@CHROMEFLAMIN @SirNormanislost They owned up to their mistake and they're giving refunds to whomever asks. What more would you have then do? It's not like this is a daily occurrence with Steam. I don't know of anything like this happening previously.
@psdsoldier25 Bots run off hacked in scripts that set up the character to automatically run in a pattern or sit in one spot and kill any enemy that spawns or comes near, and pick up the loot. Typically the bots will operate in low level areas where there is no risk that they'll die, but if they do, I guess it might even be possible to program a bot to run back to it's spot after a death. Maybe they can go sell loot when their inventory is full. They sit there unattended 24/7 just collecting in-game money and possibly valuable items. One person can buy multiple accounts and run a many bots. Bots are often used by gold sellers to farm the gold they sell for real money.
In addition to their stated reasons Blizzard doesn't like bots because they add more supply to the market in the RM auction house, thus devaluing in-game currency and bringing down prices, which possibly brings down Blizzard's cut of RM sales if demand doesn't increase enough to compensate. I don't know if that's the case.
@LesserAngel @jenovaschilld People are giving you facts that show these people cannot be cured and that removing their access to minors prevents crime and you're responding with your own assumptions and speculation.
@ebonized @Goyoshi12 Yes. The people who loved their first MMO or two and played them for 1000's of hours and got older and totally burned out, cynical, bitter and jaded. They don't understand that unless they lower their ridiculous nit-picky expectations they will never like any MMO ever again. Or they should just move on.
@mjma @MooncalfReviews OIC. He didn't need to say it was an exclusive, that threw me. PC gamers and console gamers have very different expectations. If they felt Dishonored met console gamers' expectations better than GW2 met PC gamers', and since there are far more console gamers, they might still choose it as GOTY.
@dzanang @SmArTaLeC1321 I crafted all my armor and jewelry from 1 to 80 (11 of 16 character slots) and I never got a better drop than what I was wearing. How is that "useless"?
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