As if he wasn't enough of a fool, that "Kindergarten Killers" game he's blaming along with all the usual suspects (i.e. the only violent games retired people can name) was a stupid and crude flash based game created as a deliberately sick joke in response to blaming video games for school shootings. I wonder if his crack team of researchers bothered to explain the irony of that to him. Maybe they want to get rid of their tool of a boss by making him look like an idiot on TV.
@Kos1c They very specifically and prominently pointed out those two played a lot of Doom, back when it wasn't common as you say. I'm pretty sure that's where the video games create violent killers idea originally came from.
The biggest problem is the media going on and on about these pathetic people, making them famous and setting an example for every mentally disturbed loner who wants to go out with a big show and out-do the last one instead of just quietly killing himself in his basement. That and easy access to rapid-fire guns.
The line between investing and crowd funding is getting too blurred here. If they want to make this game they need to get real backers who believe in it to invest money. Money they can expect a major return on if the game is made and it's successful. It's bad enough IMO to support a game that will be released in return for a copy of the game and some digital stuff while the developer reaps all the real profits if they're really successful; but if you back this you can expect nothing but forum access?
And we're seeing more and more established companies and individuals who you can reasonably expect to have money of their own and/or avenues to get it asking average people to pay for making their game. The idea behind crowd funding used to be helping out the small independent, not Black Isle and Peter Molyneaux (sp?).
Crowd funding is fast turning into bulls#!+ if you ask me.
6 months after release we'll be reading articles about how many thousand bots they've banned who were ruining the game for everyone by screwing up the economy, crime rates and pollution.
@johnny_pay You reap what you sow. EA has a horrible reputation for money grubbing earned over the course of a decade. Valve makes the occasional mistake and owns up to it and makes immediate corrections.
There are always a few nay-sayers like you who for whatever reason don't agree with the general consensus, but don't pretend you're smarter than the world at large and recognize something that's not there.
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