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gohantech00 Blog

Love's a B****

It's that time again, folks! Two new movie ratings I bring to you people this week. One was a hilarious comedy, while the other was one of the best movies I have seen since I viewed American History X for the first time. Here they are:

Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me--8.5/10

Amores Perros--10/10

Boy I tell ya, after viewing Amores Perros (also called "Love's a B**** in English), I was stunned. For it being the 2nd foreign film I've ever seen (first was City of God, also a superb movie), I was left thinking "Why can't American filmmakers create a shockingly splendid movie such as these two?" What was shocking about City of God, IMO, was the use of violence and drugs by little children. In Amores Perros, I thought all the dog violence was equally disturbing. I mean, I had never seen a movie before in which there was so much violence was done between animals. Heh, let's hope in this case that no animals were harmed in the making of the film :lol:. But, surprisingly, as much violence as there was between the dogs in the film, that wasn't even close to being the main focus of Amores Perros. It was basically another "Crash" type movie, which was very, very intruiging (sp?). Definately something to add to my movie collection.............if I find it for a decent price that is:roll:

But enough of that. Besides viewing those two movies, I also recieved Diablo earlier than I expected in the mail. So far, it's basically................alright. Nothing special, but I need to get into it more I guess. Oh, and I'm starting to get used to my braces by now. Basically no more pain, but I still have to watch what I eat, or there MIGHT be some pain. Alright, I guess that's about all that's been goin on. Make sure to leave any comments if you can, and until next time, ADIOS!

Did gohantech00 Go Out On A Date?

What the hell is up with this site? Thought I posted a blog post a couple days ago about me beating Eternal Darkness and me complaining about my braces, but oh well. A lot has happened to me this weekend, so I'll kick off this blog post with my main event of the weekend.

My dad originally wanted to go to the drive-in to see Pirates 2 and Superman, but then he suggested the local movie theater to see only one of those movies since it was so hot outside. It was then that I asked if one of my best friends (who is a GIRL, btw) could go with us. So my dad just told me to go with her by myself. Well well, the first time I'd ever taken myself and a friend to the movies. EVER. And I will just get this across once: this girl is NOT my gf, so dont be thinking of anything gushy gushy mushy mushy (those terms sounded awkward, eh?). So we did go and see:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest--8.5/10
I gotta say, this movie had a huge, HUGE, cliffhanger at the end. And what a cliffhanger it was, too. Can't wait for the 3rd movie now:D.

And last, but most certainly not least, is my next purchases on Ebay. And no I havent beaten Indigo Prophecy yet for some reason. My damn PS2 wont run the game for some reason, but luckily, my mom has a PS2 also, and it DOES run on there, so I can only play at certain times. But anyways, I purchased two old school critically acclaimed games off of there: Diablo and the Baldur's Gate 2 Collection. I got Diablo for the extremely low price of $4.20 (which includes S&H) and BG2C for the reasonable price of $15.99 (including S&H again). Boy I tell ya, Ebay is one good place to shop.......unless you are looking for Grim Fandango and System Shock 2:cry:. NOBODY has those games, and if they do, they are HELLA expensive, but hey, they're rare games, so oh well. Maybe I'll run across them in a garage sale one day...........hopefully.

Oh, and I almost forgot. I made it to Blaster Master AKA lvl 22. YIPPIE!!!!!!! Welp, see ya!


Welp, tomorrow is the day. Boy this 3 weeks went by fast since the last time I complained about my molar bands causing me agony and pain. Now, just as with my spacers, I am used to them, feeling no more pain (except for sores on my tongue, since it bumps into pointy spots on the metal part). *sigh* Now I dread that the braces are going to be the most painful part of it all.........

BTW, I watched the two movies I got from Netflix this past week. Here they are:

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas--7.5/10 (very, VERY, weird movie)


Oh, and I've started playing Indigo Prophecy. I've gotta say, this is one entertaining game. It IS like an interactive movie. What I like is that almost anything in the environment your able to interact with. Yep, definately a winner so far. Well, gotta get some shuteye so I can get up early for my dentist appointment tomorrow. Lata peeps.

A F***ed Up Vacation

Man oh man, is it great to be back. I gotta tell ya, this vacation was probably the worst I have ever had. *sigh* Figures, since I can never have any good luck, whether it be in school or out. Alright, if you do not want to hear my incredibly long story, scroll all the way down to the final paragraph of this post. If you do, well, here it goes.

Ok, so my actual vacation in Georgia wasn't bad. Hell, the first day there, I invited my old friend over and we hung out all day, and plus we all went karaoking that night, since my aunt and uncle go to these Mexican restaurants certain days to do karaoking, so we went too. The rest of the time in Georgia was basically pure laziness after that, but oh well. That is far from being the f***ed up part, though.

So, the day that we leave, we decided to come back to Michigan through the Smoky Mountains, and go through a small town we used to live in, and I was all cool with that. Then, we had to stop at a rest area for one of the most unthinkable things that you do NOT want to happen during a car trip. The transmission on our van blew. The f***ing transmission.

So we call a tow truck, and the guy comes along, and thankfully we were in North Carolina, so the people were nice in the area we were in. And even more thankfully, the last decent sized town that there was before we went through the major mountains was where we were going to. So, the tow truck guy drops our van off at a transmission place, leaving us without a vehicle. Luckily, the guy was generous enough to give us a ride to a hotel to stay in, and it was pretty nice, too. Yep, everything was starting to go our way again........

Heh, yeah right. Next morning, the transmission people dont call back to tell us if our van was ready or not, so my mom had to spend MORE money just to rent a car at Enterprise just to get around town for a day. That's when we went to the transmission place to see when it was going to get fixed. Turns out that they couldnt work on it until Monday, so we had to CRAM everything that we wanted to take back to Michigan in that Buick we rented, leaving me with limited room in the backseat. So, my mom calls my dad, and he said he would come pick us up. Yippie, 12 f***ing hours to waste time. We just decided to drive around town all day, meeting some interesting people during this time. Heavy rain started to hit around 6, so we decided to go with a hotel room that wasnt as nice as the Super Motel 8 we stayed at previously, but just a standard motel owned by some country folk.

Well, at 12:00 this morning, things started to turn around for the better, thank god. My dad finally arrived, and with my car, which is a 96 Pontiac Bonneville, so it was about the same size as the Buick we rented. Cramming all that stuff we had into it, though, meant very little room for a 12 hour trip, plus without air conditioning, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. We finally got back at around 4:00 this afternoon.


Yep, things were pretty screwed up for me, being stranded in a mountain town for a day and a half. But it all paid off when we got back. I got Indigo Prophecy that I ordered off of Ebay in the mail, as well as new movies, 2 of them in which I picked out, and one that my mom picked out and we watched today, but I didnt really get into, and that was The Diary of Anne Frank. I'm not going to score it, though, since I barely even watched it. Ok, well, I'm going to go play IP for the first time, so lata people.

BTW, a few comments wouldn't hurt from you guys either.

On Vacation

Welp, today was the day to start packing for vacation. I am leaving to go to Georgia early tomorrow morning, so looks like I wont be back until next Saturday. *sigh* I'm going to miss you guys. OMG:cry:!!!! WHY DO WE HAVE TO PART WAYS LIKE THIS.............ok, gohantech, you need to calm down. You are acting as if your going to leave GS forever. It's only a week. (deep breath) Ok, I'm alright now. So, if you guys are wanting movie scores, srry, no can do for the next week. Oh hell, like anyone really cares about those:P. Ok, well, I have to finish packing, so SEE YOU ALL IN ABOUT A WEEK!!!!!

Independance Day

Boy, I dont know about you guys, but today does NOT feel like a holiday. Right now, I'm sitting here watching Price is Right and still in my PJs as if it were a typical weekday. Maybe by the time that its time to light up fireworks, it will feel like a holiday.

A lot has happened the past few days. First of all, I got my first laptop computer......ever. It's decent, but it's not a brand new one. All it is is a Dell Latitude that originally has Windows 98 on it with a Pentium 2 Processor on it, but it got upgraded to a Windows XP. My dad got it for me while visiting my half bro in Minnesota, and my half bro knew someone that upgraded laptops, so my dad managed to get one for about $100. It works good, though.

I also got to order my very first item off of Ebay......ever. I gotta say, Ebay has some pretty nice deals. What I ordered was Indigo Prophecy, which was only $10 (both the price AND shipping combined). I've been hearing that its a sweet adventure game with excellent replay value, so I figured why not?

Oh, and I picked up where I left off on The Longest Journey. Yes, I STILL havent beaten that game. But I'm getting close. And I must say, it is getting a LOT better than it has been. Maybe today I can beat it, so I can take another game off of my "Now Playing" list.

Oh, and just to let you guys know, starting on Friday, I will not be at the computer for a whole week. Reason is I'm going down south for vacation, first going to Florida for a couple days, and then going to Georgia for the rest of the week. I know how much you will miss my superb blog posts, so dont flood your rooms TOO much with tears (ha, yeah right).

Ok, this sucker is already long enough, so I'll wrap this up. Have a great, and VERY safe, 4th of July. Maybe I'll be back one last time to post another blog post befor I leave for vacation. Until then, adios!

A Rare Thing Happened.........

What a dynamic weekend I've had so far. Well, not really. But it was still different. For the first time since almost ONE YEAR AGO, my friend actually came over and spent the night. *sniff* SOMEBODY ACTUALLY CARES:cry:!!! Ok, enough of the emotional mumbo jumbo. We had fun, even though there was scarce things to do (I mean seriously, what IS there to do when you live in a trailer park?), we watched a movie (see the movie reviews below) and we "chatted" to other users on the Yahoo! Games chat rooms:wink: . Ahhhh good times. Even though he came over at about 8:00 PM and he slept in till about 11:00 this morning, so he didnt visit much. Oh well.

I also watched a couple new movies this weekend. Here they are:

Menace II Society--8.5/10
And, the movie my friend brought over:

16 Blocks--8/10

2 More Movies For the Collection

*sigh* Only 20 days until these molar bands come out. Can't wait. Meanwhile, today I went to Wal-Mart, and bought 2 cheap movies on DVD. This is what I got:

Jay and Silent Bob was only $7.50, which IMO was a steal. I had seen it WAY before I saw Clerks just recently, and after seeing Clerks for the first time, I thought "What the hell? I'll just buy this since I thought it was hilarious and it is a good deal." Plus, it was about 3 years ago since I've seen it, so some of the jokes I didn't get back then. It was like watching a movie I hadn't seen before. Oh, and it gets a 9/10 for a score.

As for American History X, that's one of the few movies I'd given a 10/10. And for $10, why the hell not? A perfect addition to my collection. For those of you who havent seen this movie, get off your ass and at least rent it. It is a masterpiece. Plain, and simple.

You know, maybe when I put a score of a movie, maybe I should put the picture of the movie next to it from now on...........

Molar Bands

And I was right. I AM going through more pain. Those of you who have had braces before probably know what its like. For those who dont, these molar bands are metal things that are put into your mouth, and in my case, since its just my back teeth that are needing straightening out, this metal sharp part is rubbing up against my cheeks, making them raw. It's unbearable. Those spacers were 10x better. Well, the dentist gave me this wax to put on the sharp part to make it less painful, and it DOES work, but once I have to eat, I have to take em out or I'll get food in the wax. It's annoying as fvck. Worst of all, I have to withstand this for about 3 weeks. *sigh* And I thought being away from school would be relaxing......

More Movie Action

Another summer weekend over. *sigh* And I GET TO GO TO THE DENTIST TOMORROW!!!!!!! Yippie do dah. Just as I'm getting adjusted to these spacers in my mouth, they get to perform the next step of my braces, and I have a feeling my mouth is going to be in pain once again. How charming.

Welp, I caught a few movies this weekend. 2 were movies shown on TV, while another was a movie my dad brought over. These were:

Eight Below--8/10
A Bug's Life--8/10
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star--7.5/10

Oh, and for the first time ever, I want to change a score. Remember when I gave Clerks an 8? Well, I watched it again with my mom today, but I paid more attention to it this time (kinda got lost in some of the conversations the first time viewing it). So, I am upping the score to:
