Man oh man, is it great to be back. I gotta tell ya, this vacation was probably the worst I have ever had. *sigh* Figures, since I can never have any good luck, whether it be in school or out. Alright, if you do not want to hear my incredibly long story, scroll all the way down to the final paragraph of this post. If you do, well, here it goes.
Ok, so my actual vacation in Georgia wasn't bad. Hell, the first day there, I invited my old friend over and we hung out all day, and plus we all went karaoking that night, since my aunt and uncle go to these Mexican restaurants certain days to do karaoking, so we went too. The rest of the time in Georgia was basically pure laziness after that, but oh well. That is far from being the f***ed up part, though.
So, the day that we leave, we decided to come back to Michigan through the Smoky Mountains, and go through a small town we used to live in, and I was all cool with that. Then, we had to stop at a rest area for one of the most unthinkable things that you do NOT want to happen during a car trip. The transmission on our van blew. The f***ing transmission.
So we call a tow truck, and the guy comes along, and thankfully we were in North Carolina, so the people were nice in the area we were in. And even more thankfully, the last decent sized town that there was before we went through the major mountains was where we were going to. So, the tow truck guy drops our van off at a transmission place, leaving us without a vehicle. Luckily, the guy was generous enough to give us a ride to a hotel to stay in, and it was pretty nice, too. Yep, everything was starting to go our way again........
Heh, yeah right. Next morning, the transmission people dont call back to tell us if our van was ready or not, so my mom had to spend MORE money just to rent a car at Enterprise just to get around town for a day. That's when we went to the transmission place to see when it was going to get fixed. Turns out that they couldnt work on it until Monday, so we had to CRAMÂ everything that we wanted to take back to Michigan in that Buick we rented, leaving me with limited room in the backseat. So, my mom calls my dad, and he said he would come pick us up. Yippie, 12 f***ing hours to waste time. We just decided to drive around town all day, meeting some interesting people during this time. Heavy rain started to hit around 6, so we decided to go with a hotel room that wasnt as nice as the Super Motel 8 we stayed at previously, but just a standard motel owned by some country folk.
Well, at 12:00 this morning, things started to turn around for the better, thank god. My dad finally arrived, and with my car, which is a 96 Pontiac Bonneville, so it was about the same size as the Buick we rented. Cramming all that stuff we had into it, though, meant very little room for a 12 hour trip, plus without air conditioning, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. We finally got back at around 4:00 this afternoon.
Yep, things were pretty screwed up for me, being stranded in a mountain town for a day and a half. But it all paid off when we got back. I got Indigo Prophecy that I ordered off of Ebay in the mail, as well as new movies, 2 of them in which I picked out, and one that my mom picked out and we watched today, but I didnt really get into, and that was The Diary of Anne Frank. I'm not going to score it, though, since I barely even watched it. Ok, well, I'm going to go play IP for the first time, so lata people.
BTW, a few comments wouldn't hurt from you guys either.
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