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gohantech00 Blog

What Can I Say?

Well, the 2nd week of my summer is about to end. So far this week has been....................bland. Basically, playing Maple Story (got to lvl 30 finally, btw:D ) and watching movies I have on DVD. Today I went to Applebees with my dad, which was nice. I also got another Netflix movie in the mail, in which I'd been waiting for all week. In fact, this one has a sequal coming out in the summer. It is:


I think after that dramatic ending, I'm actually looking forward to the sequal. Heh, who saw that coming at the end, eh? Anyways, nothing much besides that goin on, so until next time.....

Father's Day

Ahhh, what a pleasant day this was. First of all, me and my mom took my dad out to breakfast at this nice family restaurant. Got filled up fast, lol. Afterwards, we went to Wal-Mart to go grocery shopping, as well as me buying my dad a new DVD for Father's Day. Well, since there was a 2 for $11 deal for a pile of DVDs in this bin, my dad picked out 2 for me to buy and 2 to buy himself. He got Waterworld, Turbulence, Lethal Weapon 4, and Storm of the Century. I found one in that pile as well that I think is funnier than hell, so I bought it:

Austin Powers in Goldmember--8.5/10

I also bought a classic that wasn't in the bin, but it was $10. It was:

Forrest Gump--9.5/10

So, we got home and we watched Forrest Gump while eating taco salad my mom made. Ahhhh, today was great:D

Happy Father's Day everyone!

Father's Day Approaching

Welp, here we are. The night before Father's Day. Do YOU know what is in store for tomorrow? Well, I'm planning on buying my dad 1 DVD of his choice, plus taking him to breakfast or lunch. Depends if it is packed with fathers and sons/church people.

Nothing much has happened this past week. Watched another movie, which is another Johnny Depp movie. It was so good, I watched it twice this week. It was:

What's Eating Gilbert Grape?--9.5/10

:lol: You guys remember when I said I was going to play lots of Maple Story AND Dragon Quest 8? Welp, the first part is true, been playing that to death. In fact, its pissin me off, too. Too many rude bastards and hackers on the game. *sigh* Good ol' friendly MMOs:roll: . As for DQ8, welp, its still collecting dust. In fact (second time I said that), I havent played ANY game consule since vacation started, which is surprising. Stupid addicting MMORPGs:evil:

Dental Pain

God, this is getting unbearable. Yesturday, I went to the dentist, to see if I was elligible for braces. So I was. Then, I had to go back later in the afternoon, to get my teeth cleaned and stuff. They also started the first process of braces: spacers. At first, they werent so bad, just felt like meat in between my teeth. I wake up this morning, my mouth feels like it has been kicked 5 times. Boy does this suck. Now I can't eat anything that is the SLIGHTEST bit hard (tried eating a bologna sandwich, that was the most painful meal I have ever had). So, no more pork for a while:( . *sigh* And my summer vacation was getting off to a superb start, too........


Ahhhh, it feels so nice knowing that I dont have to go to school tomorrow. DAMN I love summer vacation. Anyways, today was just about, if not more, action packed as yesturday, which was cool. Well, the reason being it was my dad's birthday today, so first, we took him to breakfast. Next, we went to this town in Michigan called Frankenmuth, which is a cool town. They had this festival goin on, so it made it all the better. There was a parade, too, which was pretty lengthy, but it was awesome, especially since I got to see some people I see on the news in the parade:D . Also, the women walking around that town was.........very pleasant:D. Not to mention I got more sunburnt, making that 2 days in a row in which I got a lot of sun (pretty unusual for a lazy ass like me). But then we decided to head back, and the perfect way to end the day was watching a very powerful movie I've been wanting to see for awhile. It was:

Schindler's List--8.5/10

As you can see, this has been a perfect weekend to start a long summer. Hope to experience more this summer, insteado of being a couch potato all summer long. Welp, it's pretty late, and I need to get some shuteye. Lata!

First Saturday of the Summer

How is everyone's summer so far? (if they are out of school yet) Well, this Saturday has been decent. We had a big garage sale event here in our trailer park today, so I thought what the hell, I'll set one up too. Mostly old Pokemon and DBZ videos, among other little odds and ends. Basically, it flopped. First of all, not that many people were walking around by the time I set up. Second, I only made 7 bucks by having 6 of those videos sold for $1.25 each. Third, I got sunburnt big time:roll: . Oh well, after I did that for 2 hours, I basically just chilled the rest of the day, going to Applebee's for my dad's early birthday for dinner, which was excellent. So, even though the garage sale was a big flop, I still had fun with it. Got me away from my video games for awhile. Welp, still havent watched Schindler's List yet, but I'm sure I'll pry watch it tomorrow. I'll have a final verdict then. Until that moment, enjoy your weekend people:D

The Brick Wall is Torn Down

SUMMER IS FVCKING HERE!!!!!!!!!! HELLZ YEAH!!!!!!!! FINALLY, NO MORE FVCKING SCHOOL FOR ABOUT 3 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO FVCKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! UNLIMITED VIDEO GAME AND GAMESPOT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS TRULY A MOMENT OF GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEH ROXXORZ!!!!!!!!!!! LETS HAVE A PARTY AND ORDER PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A FUNGUS IN MY EARS......................ok, I'm taking it too far now. But yeah, summer vacation has finally arrived for me, after breaking down that brick wall of knowledge with my sledgehammer brain. Yep, time to sit back, bump some jamz, and cool down with the air conditioning while playing Maple Story and Dragon Quest:D Welp, I'm hungry, and it's lunch time, so time to make that ham sandwich. Oh, and to those out of school today, HAVE A KICK A$$ SUMMER!!!!!!!!!

June 6th, 2006

*sigh* The anticipation is killing me. Well, lets see, I took my Algebra and English exams today, so now I still have my ADI, Biology, Art, and Geometry exams to look forward to. Other than that.....nothing much has happened. Coming home early was awesome. Got to eat a nice homemade lunch instead of that sh*tty chicken sandwich at school. Oh, and a new Tourette's Guy video has come out, after about a couple months of waiting. Go check it out if you like watching his stuff. Also, I put up a new banner, profile pic, etc. It's not much, but it all works for now. Welp, until next time comrads.........

..............oh and, not to piss you guys off or anything, but I oughta remind ya: HAPPY 6/6/06!!!!!!!!:twisted:

Exam Week

Welp, it is finally here folks. After experiencing the last FULL day of the year today, I am making my way into 3 days (which are also half days :P ) of exams. A brick wall of knowledge for my sledgehammer brain to break down to get to a place called Summer Vacation. It WILL be bumpy, I can predict.

Oh, and movies. Speaking of movies, I ran into a garage sale in which they had hundreds of DVDs for ONLY $5. Even if they were used, they were still movies that were like 2002+. So, taking advantage of this, I bought three, two which were Jarhead (9/10) and Million Dollar Baby (10/10). I also bought one that I hadn't seen, but had been wanting to see for a very long time. And it was:


Oh, and after 3 years since I fell asleep to it at the drive-in at 1:00 in the morning, I finally gave the next movie another chance and borrowed it from my dad. It was:

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl--8/10

I also TRIED to watch a few that came in the mail from Netflix that my mom got. Some I watched bits and pieces of it, because I wasn't really interested, while one I just fell asleep to it was so bad. They were:

Better Than Chocolate--7/10
Cat Ballou--6.5/10 (like I said, I cant stand older movies)
The Sound of Thunder--1.5/10

Also, according to our Netflix account, Schiendler's List is the next one we'll be receiving, so I can't wait for that, since I've heard it was a cult classic. Anyways, until then, though, adios.

Four Days...........

............and I'm almost starting to feel it. Today we've started reviewing and crap like that, so I KNOW it's coming now. Let me take ya back to a couple days ago, though. I finally turned in my group's video project, and while we thought it was going to be a hilarious romp of fun and creativity, boy did we flop....big time. The first three videos were almost masterpieces, and, being the boastful person as I was at that moment, I wanted to show ours. And, basically, it was an embarassment. Sound quality was crap, no fancy schmancy title at the beginning, and a whole bunch of other crap that made the other videos good. Hell, I even had this one girl come up to me and say I was the only funny one in the movie (I played the immigrant) and besides that, it was long and boring. So yeah, THAT turned out superb:roll: .

In other news, I turned in my bio project. Yippie. And for the past couple days, I got to experience something new: dissecting a baby pig:twisted: . Good stuff right there, especially that stench. Mmmhmmm. Makes me want to eat some porkchops (like usual, since I <3 pork:D ).

Welp, its the weekend, and Imma gonna go play some video games. Have a safe and flawless weekend everyone!