@DarkReign2552 @grayyfoxx I can guarantee the Legacy Edition will include the PSX version of MGS1. The thing with it going to Gamecube is that Twin Snakes was a completely new game, not a port of MGS1. Kojima has also talked in the past about since the game was developed by Silicon Knights and only overlooked by him, that the game wasn't his vision and he didn't want to use it. There are some similarities to how he views Metal Gear 2: Snakes Revenge for NES. It wasn't his game, and didn't want anything to do with it.
In regards to MGS4, the issue is more that it was optimized to run on the PS3 cell processor. I'm not a developer but I've heard how much different it is from anything else console wise. Seeing as it was built on that and optimized for it, I imagine it would be nightmare to port. Between the processor and the fact it was on Blu-ray it would probably have to be rebuilt completely, using less textures and lower sound quality.
@DarkReign2552 I can understand the frustration, but those are the games that were system sellers for their respective Sony consoles. Also if I recall correctly, SCEI was in the opening credits of MGS1 so maybe there are rights issues there.
As for MGS4, this is from an interview with Eurogamer. Pressed on MGS4's exclusivity and the possibility of an Xbox 360 port, Kojima reiterated that the PS3 had been chosen because he believed that the series' success had been entwined with PlayStation's, and admitted that "because MGS4 was optimised for the PS3 it is probably not possible".
@Ryuuken27 @grayyfoxx @Hoski0999 Yeah I definitely enjoyed the Twin Snakes. It was nice seeing Shadow Moses with better visuals (the original, not abandoned like MGS4). While I didn't care for the new voice overs and music, I didn't hate them either. The one thing that really messed with the feel of the game was some of the cutscenes. The ninja kick with the falling ceiling felt so out of place. I still enjoyed it for the most part though. It was also nice that you could do a no kill run in Twin Snakes.
@KBFloYd Well for the people who keep their PS3's it won't be useless. I'll be keeping mine around for a while since it's BC and can play PS2 games. If you're one of those people who don't like console clutter I can understand your disappointment, but it's ultimately up to you.
@Ryuuken27 @Hoski0999 @grayyfoxx So it wasn't one of the default options then? It's been ages since I played the PC version because it won't play nice with anything newer than XP in my experience. That being said I and own and played Twin Snakes, I just slightly prefer the original one.
Yeah I wouldn't complain about 60, just was curious. Another thing I just thought of, they could include the PC version of MGS since it ran at a higher resolution (1024 x 768 I believe).
No mention of a price point? I'm assuming since it's 6 games (8 w/MSX) it will probably be 60 dollars. I'm also wondering if there will there be a collector's edition like there was with the HD collection.
@gargungulunk Agreed, they will have to fight to bring back some of the customers they lost over the past 5 or 6 years.
I don't think they failed either, though it's obvious development costs were extremely high for games they developed and published. Sales were actually very good for games like FF XIII and most recently Tomb Raider, and yet they're still not happy with the sales. This seems to be a trend with most AAA games nowadays.
Square certainly has some big decisions to make in the near future. That being said, it seems a lot of people will have an issue with them no matter what they do. Reading only the last 30 or so comments, you have people calling for Square's head because they changed Final Fantasy and want them to similar to older Final Fantasy games. Then you have other people saying they're making the same game over and over, and are sick of turn based combat. So tell me, which is it, because it can't be both. So it seems they're damned if they do, and damned if they don't.
I think going forward Square's biggest concern should just be quality, and that doesn't mean how high the polygon count is either. They need to pay attention to the story, one that is fresh and not full of cliches (though some here and there are fine), and have strong character development. Character variation would also be nice, maybe having older and more relatable characters. This of course doesn't mean they have to do away with the teens and crazy hair styles, just have a little less of them perhaps. They should bring back Nobuo Uematsu to do the majority of the music for the Final Fantasy series, and not just a few tracks like he's done recently Bringing back some of the small things from previous jrpg's should also be implemented. This mean's having towns to explore, meaningful sidequests, a decent leveling system (not like the one's in FF13 and 13-2), and overall just paying attention to detail. Last but not certainly least, is gameplay.
Trying to find gameplay that will satisfy the majority of fans, new and old alike will be challenging. I think we all know that Square's area of expertise is RPGs. The simplest way may be through varying games in different rpg genres. So you can have your standard jrpgs like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. If done properly these games can satisfy the core fans of Square. To satisfy those who are sick of turn based combat and want more action, you can have an ARPG. It's name, Final Fantasy Versus. You could start a new series of games here, and possibly even remove the name "Final Fantasy" altogether . From what we've seen in the trailers, Versus will obviously be more action based. The Dissidia also fall under the action category as well. The other type of rpg that Square should start to focus again are Strategy rpgs. I'm of course referring to Final Fantasy Tactics. Whether it be a sequel, or a new game altogether. I think they would be able to find a crowd of gamers who would be interested. Most of them are probably playing Disgaea.
This is obviously just a simple template, but I think with all their IP's Square could easily do this. Whether it be something new, or going back to the games like Chrono Trigger and Xenogears. They also have some games that are candidates for remakes, everyone has been clamoring for a FF VII remake it seems. The bottom line is, there is no way a company with so many IP's and resources should be losing money like they have. The potential for mass profits is still there, including from a publishing standpoint. Hopefully with better management they can keep development costs down, and possibly get some new people with innovative ideas in there.
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