@tsunami2311: I do agree that XII looks great on PCSX2, but just like FF X/X-2 Square is putting in extra work besides a simple resolution bump. They are upgrading the character models, facial expressions, cut scenes, improved turbo mode, voice audio and newly recorded background music. Also not to mention all the improvements from the international version. Square's remasters usually distinguish themselves enough to be worth the purchase.
@Barighm: Where did you hear this at? For one there is a different director for every entry (Matsuno and Ito for FFXII, Toriyama for the XIII trilogy, Tabata for XV and Nomura for VII Remake) and Nomura has expressed an interest in remaking FFV and VI. If you're referring to Tabata, the closest I've heard of your claims was him saying he wasn't as passionate about the franchise as he is now when he first began working for the company.
Have to imagine that being able to save 20% on games via Best Buy and Amazon cut into their sales, and things like no price matching, "new" display copies and useless trade in offers also deter me from shopping there. Sure sometimes they have some incredibly niche games, but this only factors in if you don't want to pay or wait for shipping from online retailers. Honestly, I'm surprised sales haven't slipped more than they already have.
I really hope they do make more, I was in the store before midnight (eastern) and had the item in my cart a minute later. I got to the last stage of checkout and the store just hung there for 30+ minutes, and I was afraid to refresh. Finally I opened another tab and was able to checkout, but never got a confirmation email. After talking to customer support I got put on a "priority" waiting list. I still would feel better if they made a few more for the people who were able to checkout, but never got the confirmation.
There is a surprising lack of depth here. No mention of weapon arts, shield abilities, the new dual wielding weapon types and the faster combat in general. Also the whole needing an item for a boss was done a few times before in Dark Souls, I guess I'd have to see how hidden this NPC and their quest line is. Something tells me the 23 hours of play time may have something to with that, it seems incredibly quick for a game like this. From what I've seen online and heard from friends who got it through XBL, you can easily spend 40+ hours and still not see everything. Also at 23 hours I can't imagine you got to mess with many character builds. I'll have to get my hands on this game to answer all my questions I suppose.
I wish they would bring back the show with Tory, Kari and Grant, the last season wasn't the same without them. I think they are more than capable of carrying the show, and would help bring back many of the fans, as opposed to finding a host through some social media contests.
@thebattlemaster: My point still stands, the people who downloaded the game via an exploit (or imported it) couldn't wait any longer to play it, that is why I referred to them as "die hard" fans. I'm sure everyone would prefer PvP and summoning be functioning off the bat, but PvP is something that becomes more important in the long run after people have beaten the game. There is a lot of new stuff for players to experiment with in the mean time.
I think the bigger issue here is that From Software published the game in Japan themselves, and Bamco is losing money on the sales. As for the people who downloaded the game right away, they are most likely die hard fans and not too worried about summoning or a few optimization issues.
@haze0986: @R2C25 He invented the stealth genre in video games for one, and also his use of story cutscenes in Metal Gear Solid were like no other at the time. People back then were flipping out because it was like they were playing a through a huge blockbuster movie. The series has no doubt made a huge impact on the industry, the number of copycat attempts (and failures) is a major indicator. When I see cinematic adventure games today (like Uncharted) you can see a direct correlation back to Metal Gear, and that's not to say that Uncharted doesn't stand out on its own merits.
grayyfoxx's comments