@Barighm: I'm pretty sure they condensed it into one game so they could finish the game, and move on to other projects. Also FF7 remake is a different beast entirely, the scale of the game if recreated in it's entirety is quite massive. They are trying to justify the different installments as you being able to get the game faster and not cut out any of the content in the original game. If they stay true to their word it should be fine.
@Xristophoros: Why would they be releasing this extra content free of charge? It's hard to tell what some of these are and something like the holiday pack or booster pack fine, maybe you could make a case (once we see what they are) that they should be free. The character dlcs and expansion pack, you expect these for free? Tell me did you expect something like Far Harbor or Blood and Wine to be free for their respective games? Tabata has already said that this just won't be basic dlc.
As far as me talking about cuts, they were to STAY on budget and schedule, and since the rebrand the game has stayed on schedule if you believe Tabata. If you've been following the game closely you'll realize that these cuts (like Nilfheim) were made early on after changing the game from VS XIII to FF XV, after a rewrite of script and turning multiple games worth of scenarios and events into FF XV and Kingsglaive. So no, viewing Kingsglaive as another season pass is wrong when you really could be viewing it as a part of another $60 game had things originally gone to plan. They opted to make the movie instead, and no one forcing you to see it.
Would you be sitting there happily knowing the game was possibly another few years out or that Nomura was still thinking about making the game into multiple installments? I'm guessing no, you would still be complaining. At the end of the day I view this as Square making the best of a bad situation in terms of this game's troubling development.
Everyone saying this is pulled content from the game, you realize there comes a point where they have to stop adding content to the main game and make sure the game comes out on release right? As far as cut content, if you really want to nitpick I'm sure there is a ton of it because FF XV was originally going to be multiple games, and then when Tabata was brought it he made the decision to make it one game.
This is also why Kingsglaive was made, as originally the invasion of Nilfheim (shown in the E3 2013 trailer) was going to be in the game but after reworking the story, stuff like the invasion of Nilfheim and Stella were cut. The story isn't exactly the same as it was in Versus XIII, and apparently this was all in an effort to make FF XV into one game.
Since the end of June at least they've been mostly in the optimization stage, but also working on the UI and touching up some NPCs. In other words they're past the stage of adding stuff to game. Whether this DLC is new or was cut during the transition of Versus XIII to FF XV, you need to ask yourself how much longer you wanted to wait for this game and how much longer Square wanted to keep it in development.
@sirdante77: So your problem with game is the art style? Personally I love the cel shading and think the art fits the game pretty well. A lot of people freaked out over Wind Waker when it was first revealed, but it's aged really well in large part to it's art style. I suspect it will be the same with this game. Games that tend go for photo realism age more than their stylized counterparts.
As for indies, sure some of them look might look better. Chances are they're missing something else then. Freedom, world size, traversal, level design, gameplay, music, story/characters and polish in general. Most indie games may have one or some of those things, but they're still lacking in terms of the entire package. Maybe games like Star Citizen or No Man's Sky will challenge AAA games on all fronts, but they are the exception not the rule.
Nintendo as a whole has some work to do, but I feel this game is a step in the right direction. We'll see what becomes of the NX (it's control scheme, online integration) and getting some third party support. As far as presentation, I feel that will pick up when they have more to offer, this year was primarily about Zelda.
Amazing, this game initially was in the back of my mind heading into E3 and is now probably my most anticipated game. I can't wait to get lost in the world for hours, and the opening song was reminiscent of a Studio Ghibli movie. No doubt the game is borrowing from some other AAA titles but it's not necessarily a bad thing, the implementation is key and this game seems bring these mechanics together seamlessly while retaining enough of it's own identity, it's still undeniably Zelda. People always say Nintendo needs to get with the times, well I think they have with this game in a big way. Also if the open world is any indication to how well thought out the game is, I can't wait to see what the towns and dungeons have in store.
@omnirise: Well the part of FF XV that was shown off at the conference was exclusive to PSVR. Crash is nothing more than a bonus, and Days Gone will depend on how well the characters and story are executed. As far as Berserk, it's hard to hype up another Musou game and I heard the trailer they showed yesterday was NSFW, I haven't seen it yet though.
@omnirise: What did you expect? They didn't even bother showing games like Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2 and Ni No Kuni II so why are they going to bother with Vita games (which Sony is done with) when many PS4 games didn't make the cut? Maybe at TGS we'll see a few Vita games. As far as multi-plats we had RE VII, CoD, Lego Star Wars and Kojima's game which I believe is going to PC. The rest were exclusives.
Edit: Also Spiderman is exclusive http://blog.us.playstation.com/2016/06/13/insomniacs-new-ps4-exclusive-spider-man-game-revealed-first-trailer/
Well I think it's a decent chance that Skyrim would be getting remastered because of this, http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2015/11/03/fallout-4-development-began-by-porting-the-elder-scrolls-skyrim-to-xbox-one.aspx
Personally I'd love to see Morrowind receive some sort of remaster, only got to play it briefly post Oblivion and it felt pretty dated by that point.
grayyfoxx's comments