I hope that if they do any time period in which firearms are common, they take a lesson from the Arkham games and force the player to come up with a plan for dealing with armed enemies. Assassins Creed 3 really suffered from the "group of bad guys standing around waiting to die" problem more than the previous games because every enemy was armed with a musket. Granted they aren't the most accurate weapons on the planet and took forever to reload, but at point blank range you would not just watch a guy going to town on your buddy with a tomahawk without firing a round at him when it is happening RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!
I think a World War (1 or 2) AC game would be great and if you ask me, a full on modern day one would be even better- but if they don't want to totally revamp the combat system to make the integration of guns feel more organic, they should stick to pre-gunpowder time periods.
I think it would have been a good call for Microsoft to pick up Sega- Nintendo has a massive roster of children's characters like Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong ect. and Sony has Little Big Planet and the Sly, Jak & Daxter and Ratchet & Clank games. Microsoft just has Banjo Kazooie, which they've really done nothing with, so if they had exclusivity on Sonic, they'd have a good foothold on the younger demographic that they don't have now. A total remake of the whole Shenmue series (with a proper ending) could also be their answer to Quantic Dream games like Heavy Rain and Beyond.
@Tixylixx Yeah, that Borderlands 2 game they made only won like 80 Shooter of the Year/Game of the Year awards... what's the matter Gearbox? Couldn't crack an even 100?
Aliens is a day-1 buy for me for sure. James Cameron's Aliens may be one of the greatest sci fi movies ever made (certainly one of my favourites) - I'm sure I'll enjoy it for the fan service if nothing else. Though I'm sure Gearbox will deliver an engaging shooter to go along with it.
@91210user Apparently to make one decent (if generation straddled) Perfect Dark game, one Banjo Kazooie game and launch the "killer app" franchise that is Viva Pinata, before getting them working on truly important games like Kinect Sports
grey_fox1984's comments