@20years @grey_fox1984 the fix for that (from MS' position) is simple- have all games available through XBL marketplace from day one. Also no revenue lost to used games may mean 39-49.99 may become the standard launch price for AAA titles
I have no problem with the used game protection - the required Internet connection is what pisses me off. Being in the military you're sometimes posted in barracks where you can bring a monitor and a console, but don't have an Internet connection. Looks like ill use those times to catch up on 360/PS3/Vita games
@kramer_inc Hahaha, your comment should be framed at Sony so they get the motivation to start pushing for proper games at their board meetings when the 'why isn't vita selling?' question comes up
Here's hoping for good sales- I'd hate to see this tank the Killzone series the way Burning Skies did to Resistance. I still think hinging the future of a great series on one portable outing was a bad idea- particularly a rushed one given to Nihilistic.
But Guerilla (and what I'll assume is the remnants of Psygnosis? they were based in Cambridge if I'm not mistaken and they certainly know their way around the Vita after Wipeout 2048) is great at making shooters, so I hope this turns the Vita's tide
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