This is true actually. I had left Destiny for almost 2 years but had recently gotten back into it and wow, the game is in a really good place right now story wise. I think Bungie leaving Activision behind has really proved worthwhile in the long run.
@Lach0121: Very well put. Your main point is what I was trying to vocalize but I think you did it more clearly. These "two forms of purism" (quoting you because I think it was very well said) are in a battle right now for control of the way people think and it's just maddening. What has happened?! The thought police are out with greater ferocity than in any time I can ever remember.
So, now people with different worldviews cannot even inhabit a TV show together? A movie? There can't be opinions and dialogue between people beyond the point someone disagrees or feels like they're offended by another's point of view? We will not get far or advance in society if our skin is this thin.
Striving for "acceptance and equality" does not translate to erasure of that which doesn't conform to people think, on either side.
Like I said, I'm not really defending Gina. I do believe she should have known better than to make waves in the climate we're in, if she was interested in keeping that particular job. And I disagree with per points of view, for the most part.
But I also think the "reasons" for her removal were practically engineered and the mob didn't even bother thinking for themselves or trying to understand the real context or meaning of anything she was actually tweeting. They saw some key words and flipped on the outrage.
I literally am a liberal and someone who should supposedly be 100 percent behind Gina being canceled but I REAAAALLY took a good long read at all of her recent tweets and I just couldn't see it.
These supposedly vile tweets were truly twisted to fit an agenda that was already in the works searching for any shred of a reason to let her go. Burr is truly correct, people are waiting, watching, ready to strike. It's sad but her removal was already in the works clearly for broader reasons and they just needed something to tip the scales.
It's amazing how many people are just going on about things she "said" without even really understanding what she said. I don't even like her that much. I guess you could qualify me as defending her, but I'm really not, I'm rather calling out how scary this environment is that we're in. We truly are moving to mob rule in more ways than one on ALL sides of the spectrum, and it's kind of unsettling.
That, um, said, if she wanted to stay on the show she should have tried extra hard to play it safe because there is no room for people who push the envelope in this day and age. There just isn't.
I'm so stoked about this! I loved the original on PS3 and can't wait to go through this remixed version, but I want it on PC! It's where I play most of my games now except for PS4 exclusives.
@jenovaschilld: There is a USB port to “add” more games. It’s super easy. Is it official? No. But why would they do that? Considering how painfully easy it is, I’m sure they’re expecting that people would figure it out.
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