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#1 ianuilliam
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[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]So if a kid asks Santa for what is essentially a $200 game (assuming one doesn't already have Kinect), and their parent tells them flat out not going to happen, that's trolling their children? My daughter would love the game, and I'd love to have it to play it with her... but there's no way in hell I'm spending $350-450 for a 360, Kinect, and the game. And some kids are inquisitive and smart enough to see through whatever BS answers you try to give about why Santa can fly around the world in a night but can't get his hands on a Kinect by 5 years old.

Personally, I got a chuckle out of his post.


im not sure what does that have to with heli's post

pretty sure hes trying to defend him. considering the fact its not 200 dollars for a game since there is far more on kinect...his post basically amounts to saying the ps3 was a 650 dollar game, the 360 a 450 or so game the wii a 300 game. But I do love how his parents probably bought him video games or systems for christmas and they paid exactly that much like many other parents did...and I know for a fact if either actually had children and those children wanted something they'd get it for em.

P.S: and with his reply he just didn't get it no where did Heil mention that he wasn't getting it becasue it was 200 dollars...he just flat out said there is no way hes getting her a kinect and he should probably tell her there is no santa whole hes at it. hence trolling the child pissed off that she would ask for kinect he tells her there is no santa and your not geting kinect.

If he has no interest in other Kinect-exclusive games, then buying Kinect plus Once Upon a Monster is indeed paying $200 for one game. In my case, I have very little interest in buying 360 exclusives, and would still get multis on PS3, so while I very much would like to get OUaM to play with my 2 year old, it would cost me at minimum $350 to get that one game. When I got a PS3, I had no other current gen console (and no intention of getting another), so the $600 is subsidized over all the games, and all the bluray movies, I've bought/played/watched over the past 5 years, as well as any other uses I've gotten from the device. Likewise, growing up, I did get an NES, SNES, N64 and PS1... but again, up to the 64/PS1, they were gotten as my only current gen consoles, and used for far more than 1 game (although the N64 wound up only being for a few games... the games were way too expensive). The Cube and PS2 I bought myself. All those systems though were gotten because there were many games on them that I wanted that were only on that system. If I buy a $200 system, and 20 $50 games, I only paid ~$60 per game. If I buy a $300 360+Kinect bundle, and one $50 game, that is indeed $350 for one game.

I do indeed have a daughter, 2 years old. And you're partially right; if she wants something, I'll do my best to get it for her... within reason. She loves Sessame Street, especially Cookie Monster and Elmo. But that doesn't mean I can justify buying a new console for it. I know for a fact if you actually had children, you'd know that buying your kid every single thing they ask for is not only impossible for 99% of parents, but is also just as bad parenting as never getting them a single thing they ask for.

While Heil didn't say flat out he wouldn't get it for her because of the cost, he also didn't say he wouldn't get it purely because he doesn't like Kinect. From his posting habits, we know he doesn't like Kinect. We also know he has 0 interest in any Kinect games. So buying it because his kid wants one specific game would, in fact, be paying $200 for that game. Therefore it makes perfect sense to assume that the cost is at least part of the justification, and not just that he flat out refuses to allow the thing in his house, and that he's pissed at his daughter for even asking for it. And as I said before... by 5, some kids are smart enough, and persistently inquisitive enough, to reason things out when you try to explain to them why Santa can't get them Once Upon a Monster for Christmas that breaking the illusion may be unavoidable. But this whole conversation is based on the assumption that his post was 100% serious, and not at least in part joking (which is my assumption, hence me saying I chuckled).

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#2 ianuilliam
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fanboyism....has it come so far that we are trolling are own children just because we don't like the product ourselves? sadly...seems as if so


So if a kid asks Santa for what is essentially a $200 game (assuming one doesn't already have Kinect), and their parent tells them flat out not going to happen, that's trolling their children? My daughter would love the game, and I'd love to have it to play it with her... but there's no way in hell I'm spending $350-450 for a 360, Kinect, and the game. And some kids are inquisitive and smart enough to see through whatever BS answers you try to give about why Santa can fly around the world in a night but can't get his hands on a Kinect by 5 years old.

Personally, I got a chuckle out of his post.

im not sure what does that have to with heli's post

He said his kid asked Santa for a Kinect game (+ Kinect). He said no way, and that it might be time for her to learn the truth about Santa, which the person I replied to said is taking fanboyism so far that we're trolling our own children. Telling a kid she isn't going to get something they want for Christmas because you don't want to spend $200+ to get a game that requires an expensive peripheral is hardly trolling your own kids. I asked Santa for plenty of things that I didn't get when I was a kid. That doesn't mean my parents were trolling me.

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#3 ianuilliam
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Yeah I heard Microsoft said it sold 3.8 million on day one.


That report was mis quoted, it was actually 'microsoft said it sold 38 copies on day one'

As far as I know, it never showed up on any of the software charts for any region. We have no idea what the sell in has been, but I would be shocked if it was anywhere close to being in the millions... Most big releases have launch sell in on individual platforms of a million or two, and this wasn't really a huge release... I'm guessing it sold at launch MAYBE 100k, and stand by my prediction earlier in the thread of likely a few hundred k or maybe half a million this quarter, and lifetime sales settling around 1-1.5 million. If it were to get a PS3 port, I know for sure of at least 1 day one sale though.

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#4 ianuilliam
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[QUOTE="Heil68"]My daughter was going to ask Santa for it and Kinect, so it was time to tell her the truth about Santa and no way in hell she was getting it. Even at 5 years old, it's time to grow up. CDUB316

fanboyism....has it come so far that we are trolling are own children just because we don't like the product ourselves? sadly...seems as if so

So if a kid asks Santa for what is essentially a $200 game (assuming one doesn't already have Kinect), and their parent tells them flat out not going to happen, that's trolling their children? My daughter would love the game, and I'd love to have it to play it with her... but there's no way in hell I'm spending $350-450 for a 360, Kinect, and the game. And some kids are inquisitive and smart enough to see through whatever BS answers you try to give about why Santa can fly around the world in a night but can't get his hands on a Kinect by 5 years old.

Personally, I got a chuckle out of his post.

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#5 ianuilliam
Member since 2006 • 4955 Posts

I predict it'll sell a few hundred thousand, maybe a half million this Christmas season. Probably wind up between 1-1.5 million lifetime.

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#6 ianuilliam
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That is what was said about PS3 too, but then was believable, now has a 0% chance imo


Doubtful, MS are aiming at the wii market with kinect and casual games as its main focus, if they manage to do it correctly MS may get a lot of casual sales due to its change in gaming direction.

MS has already won the Wii market, they are not aiming for that anymore, as all their 2012 games are core ones

Halo, Fable, Alan Wake, Panzer Dragoon, Witcher, Mass Effect, Ryse, Thriller advanture Haunt, Steel Batallion, Dust Elysian Take etc are casual games ?

Not really, they are the most hardcore games in 2012

Around 90 million Wiis sold. Maybe 10-12 million Kinects sold. How does that equate to MS already won the Wii market? All the 360 ads for the holidays I've seen are for Disneyland Adventures, Kinect Sports, and Dance Central. How are they not still aiming for that market?

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#7 ianuilliam
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to make the deal more attractive to ps3 owners and encourage them to buy games, it happens a lot, it makes sense, when the PS3 gamers dont buy as many copies as 360 owners, adding in another game for free kind of makes it more attractive to the consumer. its a good strategy, nothing wrong with it.sts106mat
This. Both companies spend money to make deals with third party publishers in order to make their platform the more attractiv platform to buy games on. MS focuses more on getting timed exclusive content (CoD maps, GTA episodes, Fallout 3/NV dlc, Skyrim dlc, etc.) while Sony focuses more on giving bonus content (Dante's Inferno Divine edition, Batman AA Joker, Dead Space2 with Extraction, Medal of Honor with Frontline, etc.). Personally, I prefer Sony's approach, as I don't mind waiting a bit to get dlc that someone else was able to buy sooner (I rarely buy games on day one anyway, so by the time it matters to me, its usually out for other systems anyway), and getting more content for the same price is always a plus, but they both are perfectly good business moves. It's quite silly when people make comments like "Sony (or MS) bribed the publisher." If the system you prefer gets something you like, it's great, but if the other system gets something you like tat your system doesn't its some kind of evil act?

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#8 ianuilliam
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I played Uncharted 3 all day online with no problems the whole time the network was "down"ohgeez
I keep bringing up that this "downtime" didn't actually prevent you from playing online. People keep ignoring it and cracking jokes about "Cows being used to it" or "Sony instilling discipline" and so on.

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#9 ianuilliam
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Like: the games (Resistance, Uncharted, Warhawk, Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, LBP, Folklore, Demons Souls...), bluray, free online.

Dislike: copy protected saves locked to a specific mobo/hdd combo, rather than a specific account/id (made it a pain if you upgraded your HDD, replaced your PS3 with a newer one, or had to send your system in for repair), general lack of support for local/splitscreen multiplayer (all games with online multiplayer should support multiple local players, imo; this is a problematic trend of this gen, and not specifically limited to the PS3).

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#10 ianuilliam
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I was in the middle of a BF3 match when they started the maintenance. I was just about to finish sniping a Fighter Pilot from 500 yards away while falling from a building and spinning in mid-air...now there will be no record of it..darn PSN!! :x


BF3 shut off? Did you try launching it again, or try some other games? I was in the middle of tearing up some villains in DCUO (can't believe they made that free to download and free to play) when the maintenance started... and kept on playing for 5-6 hours with no issues.