All you need to know is that if Halo was released on the PS, it would've been held to a much higher standard. A 8/10 on an X-box is equal to a 4/10 on the PS. That's why when MGS4 gota 10/10, it would be like getting a 100/10 on the 360. Such a crap system, it's false. The the PS is the one true console.
Let me guess, you LOVE BLUERAY?
Seriously, the Xbox 360 is such a crap console but your beloved PS3 TO THIS VERY DAY does not have the same feature set. It has been trying to copy the 360 features since day one and is constantly playing catch up. And the PS3 99% of the time gets the inferior version of the same game and the remaining 1% is actually the SAME not better. Pathetic.
Please go watch a Blueray while you sit through a 20 minute system update, 20 minute game download, 10 minute install just to realize the game you did this all for sucked anyway.
Wow, someone made a crazy fanboy comment, so you decided to up the ante, go for broke, and see how much you could out-fanboy them by?
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