Assuming you mean the Spike VGAs, those really don't mean anything here, and your vote actually doesn't determine who wins anyway.I voted for uncharted 3 game of the year but it seems like you have to revote because I had too.Not trying to satrt anying but if you voted you might have to revote again.
ianuilliam's forum posts
So going by your opinion, and ignoring reviews, PS3 had more "genuinely good exclusives" this year than the 360?[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
No, the only genuinely good exclusives on ps3 were infamous 2 and yakuza 4 (disgaea 4 too, but that's such a niche game), and those were just pretty good and not amazing. I'd say multiplats win the year by a landslide, and PC wins the best exclusives award.
Yes. But also going by my opinion, it's a moot and stupid thing to get hung up on, because there were more good multiplats than exclusives.
And if those multiplats are on both systems, even though they outnumber the exclusives, doesn't that leave the exclusives as the deciding factor on which system had the better games for the year? I like multiplats, some of my favorite games are multiplats... but those don't have any major impact on which system I decide to buy. My collection is roughly half multiplats, half exclusives. The multiplats did not make a difference, the exclusives did. So ignoring multiplats on SW isn't because I think exclusives are better games, or multiplats don't exist or anything. It's because they don't make a difference for the most part when comparing systems.So going by your opinion, and ignoring reviews, PS3 had more "genuinely good exclusives" this year than the 360?No, the only genuinely good exclusives on ps3 were infamous 2 and yakuza 4 (disgaea 4 too, but that's such a niche game), and those were just pretty good and not amazing. I'd say multiplats win the year by a landslide, and PC wins the best exclusives award.
Wow, this thread... @TC: Kinect games do count in the Metagame. @Everyone else: While Kinect games DO count, it's not like there's not validity to the argument against them. If we're comparing games that can only be played on one system or another, including games that require an extra peripheral purchase that costs almost as much as a new system is a bit odd... They aren't playable on 80% of 360 owners consoles. Sure, we've included other games that required peripherals, but when's the last exclusive that required a peripheral that cost almost as much as the system ($150 in this case)? That's a far cry from needing a $10-20 addition, or needing a peripheral that comes with the game, at very little to no mark-up compared to other retail games. It's not like the argument is absurd, like comparing it to a controller dying... @loosingENDS. I've got 4 sixaxis controllers bought between Jan-Aug 2007. They all still work. A quick google showed me that replacement battery packs can be had for around $5 on Amazon, should they ever die on me.... but at this point, it seems likely the controller will wear out or break in some other way before the battery pack dies. Also, just stop already with listing "best version" of identical, or virtually identical, multiplats when naming exclusives. It isn't making you win any arguments in anybody's eyes but your own.
A better question would be would it have been a big deal if it were an exclusive on another system, like the 360?Would it have been a big deal if it werent ps3 exclusive and was a multiplat?
Or sign in before the maintenance starts, and stay signed in, and you should still be able to play most games online.Not a big deal really. Just play offline modes. Invite friends over. Or sleep on it.
For me it is more about RPG/adventure gameplay and art
Besides GOW3 and Demons Souls art, i cant say i like the art in any other PS3 exlcusive, unlike 360 games like Fable, Lost Odyssey, Alan Wake etc that are some of my top
Demons Souls was one of my top titles until Dark Souls arrived though, so that alone makes PS3 a good system and 2012 seems good too
infamous 2 had very very good art.
Not my kind of art though, did not like it at all, GOW3 is close to my thing
FF9, Dark Souls and Fable art is my top, fairy tale settings
Wow, someone made a crazy fanboy comment, so you decided to up the ante, go for broke, and see how much you could out-fanboy them by?[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]
Let me guess, you LOVE BLUERAY?
Seriously, the Xbox 360 is such a crap console but your beloved PS3 TO THIS VERY DAY does not have the same feature set. It has been trying to copy the 360 features since day one and is constantly playing catch up. And the PS3 99% of the time gets the inferior version of the same game and the remaining 1% is actually the SAME not better. Pathetic.
Please go watch a Blueray while you sit through a 20 minute system update, 20 minute game download, 10 minute install just to realize the game you did this all for sucked anyway.
For starters, I bought my PS3 three years ago and most importantly, what I have stated about the PS3 is actually TRUE. But sure, you can call it fanboyism all you like, however, last I checked, reality != fanboy.
PS3 and 360 have different features. PS3 doesn't have crossgame chat. Cool. 360 supports less media formats, doesn't have bluray playback, doesn't have free online gaming, doesn't have 7.1 surround, etc. They both have features the other doesn't, making your "trying to play catchup since day one" comment false.I really don't think I should even have to say anything regarding the 99% multiplats inferior, and the other remaining 1% being equal, but not better, comment. It's false, and always has been, unless you have a link to some kind of credible source that actually confirms it to be 99% superior on 360.
Also, "Please go watch a Blueray while you sit through a 20 minute system update, 20 minute game download, 10 minute install just to realize the game you did this all for sucked anyway." doesn't warrant an explanation, and is clearly fanboy rhetoric as well. There was nothing factual at all in your post, making the fact that you defended it and called it "all true" and "reality" just makes it that much more fanboyish.
Thread topic is flawed. The official hype at the time of review was AAE. SOME Cows hyped it AAAE, sure. Just like SOME sheep hyped Zelda AAAAE, some Lemmings hyped Forza, Halo Anniversary, and Gears AAAAE, and so on. That doesn't make those the official hype. At one point, I believe I2 may have hit AAAE in a hype poll, but the poll was suspected of much tampering, so was removed, well in advance of the game releasing, and voting changed to the way Uncharted, Resistance, etc have done it, by counting what people actually said. SO in the end, game was hyped AAE, and scored AE. The reason there is so much controversy about it is A) the hype was not very well documented, so people tend to go with what they remember it being, and people will always remember the vocal minority shouting AAAE the most. B) The same reviewer reviewed both games, and gave the second 1.5 lower than the first, despite the majority feeling like it was improved. C) Many people just plain disagree with his reasons in the written review.
Further, the outcry against Tom is also something that gets attributed to all cows, when I feel that, again, it's more of a vocal minority thing. Perhaps it is my own perception filter, but it seemed to me like the majority of cows accepted it, with the typical ammount of DC one expects when an exclusive flops. Some were pretty upset, but moved on. And a few others took it to the extreme with the anti-Mcshea brigade, continuing to this day. The ones who didn't get upset, or let it go have no reason to say anything, so they don't, which results in the minority who hold a grudge over it being the only voice heard, which gives the impression that that's what Cows think.
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