[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Well, I called that one on the first page. Yeah you also called 3.8 million sell in better than 3 million sell through day 1 and made a foolish sig with cliffy b crying :lol: like gears is being outsold by uncharted 3What game are you referring to with 3 million first day sell through? And where does my sig say anything about Uncharted outselling Gears? Did you ever go back to that thread you created this morning? I replied to your OP... but then I never saw a single other post from you in there...[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]More cows here lol of course uc winsForzaGearsFace
ianuilliam's forum posts
"and saying Sony lied"
Sorry for the huge quote in the other post. I said that Ign editor lied because he made it a point to come back and update with "Sony confirmed this is sold to customers" . I said then, and still maintain, that if the sell thru was even close to that , it would of been the largest exclusive launch this gen....not surprisingly that claim never popped up anywhere on the net. They sold it to stores, Gears and Halo sell it to customers. Thats why there are mid nite launch parties , hype etc around those games launches and non of that happened for this game
Yes IGN are the ones who lied. Although Sony is not an angel in this either. The purposely mislead people. They are well aware that the average person does not now the difference between sell-in and sell-through. They just wanted people to think "ZOMG Uncharted 3 sold 3.8 mil!? Peoples lov it!!!1! What am I mizzingz?! Imma go get it NAO!!!11!" or something to that meaning.
Personally, I'm still leaning towards their being a misunderstanding between the SCEE rep and the IGN editor. I try not to assume the worst of people and accuse them of lying when there's a perfectly plausible explanation otherwise. But are we all agreeing now that Sony wasn't lying?[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Wow, 5 million first day sell in would be amazing. Seems unlikely. I'll wait for a link. And 3 million is the first week sell through, you said first day. Uncharted's day 1 sell in was 3.8 million, yep. You got that part right. But where are you getting 1.1 million first day sell through from? It's actually pretty good, if true... I mean, 1.1 in a day is kind of more than 3 in 7 days... But I'm not saying that, you did. Dude give it up already. You are in a loosing battle but on the other hand keep it up, I need some comedy during a work day. Carry on.What battle am I losing, just so I understand?[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"] Gears probably at 5 million sell in 3 million sell thru uncharted 3.8 sell in 1. 1 sell thru you care to give me your guess lol I'd like to see u spin thisTheBigXboxski
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Oh wait... hang on... is that the problem? Do people not realize my sig, much like the 8.5 Motorstorm = Forza one before it, is... :o just a joke? That actually explains a lot. Joke makes you look uninformed my friend just sayingHow so? Does my sig say anything that is factually incorrect? It doesn't say U3 sold through 3.8 million, nor does it say it sold through more than Gears... If you're interpreting it that way, that's you reading too much into it.[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"] Looks at cliffyb crying sig laughs and ok it didn't happen ForzaGearsFace
Lol. Did I say that? I don't remember... Link, or it didn't happen.
"If VGChartz is close to the mark on Gears, and this 3.8 million is actual day one sell in, Uncharted very possibly may have already passed Gears 3...
That'd be pretty funny, since PS3 owners never buy any games..."
"I need to update my sig... I should totally make a "3.8 million in 1 day > 3 million in 7" banner... anyone know where I can find a pic of Cliffy B crying, or with his jaw dropped?"
"Someone should make a "Will Uncharted 3 outsell every 2011 360 exclusive combined?" thread."
i have to say i find you asking other people for evidence rather ironic, you've clearly mentioned both games sales multiple times and you obviously want Uncharted 3 to outsell Gears 3 :|
Lol. So I ask for a link to where I said "U3 outsold Gears3", and you scour multiple threads to find... some obvious jokes? None of which actually say what forzaface claimed I said, that I asked for a link to? Good one.(I've now hit my self imposed limit of 1 response to ML/thread in this thread)
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]I have no idea. Can you link me to first day sell in figures for Gears3? Or first day sell through figures for either game? Gears probably at 5 million sell in 3 million sell thru uncharted 3.8 sell in 1. 1 sell thru you care to give me your guess lol I'd like to see u spin thisWow, 5 million first day sell in would be amazing. Seems unlikely. I'll wait for a link. And 3 million is the first week sell through, you said first day. Uncharted's day 1 sell in was 3.8 million, yep. You got that part right. But where are you getting 1.1 million first day sell through from? It's actually pretty good, if true... I mean, 1.1 in a day is kind of more than 3 in 7 days... But I'm not saying that, you did.[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"] Ok so you are saying that gears was outsold by uncharted 3 day 1 though right?ForzaGearsFace
TheBigXboxskiGears already got a price drop here so it must not being selling well and certainly not 3.8 million in one day like uncharted 3. Man, you are late to the party. Give me a link that said Sony SOLD 3.8 million uncahrted 3 to customers then I'll believe you.Wow... I didn't realize it got cut so fast... Just checked, and found it at 40 to 50 at major retailers like Best Buy and Sears...
Hey, weren't you the guy talking about how if you buy 100 cases of milk, and it sells, you buy more, but if you buy 100 cases, and it doesn't sell, you drop the price? So I guess Retailers sold their initial shipments of Gears (3 million in a week), so they reordered... but sales dropped down to a few hundred k by the second week, so they cut the price, barely 5 weeks after launch. Since everybody is saying there's no way that 3.8 million initial sell in will sell through, we ought to see Uncharted's price drop within 3-4 weeks, right? We should make a betting pool for how long till the price is cut.
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]I'd say it's pretty likely... it's been out for 5 weeks longer. :| Ok so you are saying that gears was outsold by uncharted 3 day 1 though right?I have no idea. Can you link me to first day sell in figures for Gears3? Or first day sell through figures for either game?[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"] Ok so you concede that gears sold more than un3? ForzaGearsFace
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Lol. Did I say that? I don't remember... Link, or it didn't happen. Looks at cliffyb crying sig laughs and ok it didn't happen Oh wait... hang on... is that the problem? Do people not realize my sig, much like the 8.5 Motorstorm = Forza one before it, is... :o just a joke? That actually explains a lot.[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]Ian wants us to believe uncharted 3 sold more than gears 3. Just agree because logic had failedForzaGearsFace
[QUOTE="ianuilliam"]Lol. Did I say that? I don't remember... Link, or it didn't happen. Ok so you concede that gears sold more than un3? I'd say it's pretty likely... it's been out for 5 weeks longer. :|[QUOTE="ForzaGearsFace"]Ian wants us to believe uncharted 3 sold more than gears 3. Just agree because logic had failedForzaGearsFace
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