More cows here lol of course uc winsForzaGearsFaceWell, I called that one on the first page.
ianuilliam's forum posts
Ian wants us to believe uncharted 3 sold more than gears 3. Just agree because logic had failedForzaGearsFaceLol. Did I say that? I don't remember... Link, or it didn't happen.
[QUOTE="Austindro"][QUOTE="StrongDeadlift"] Clearly...which is why Ive posted exactly twice this entire day which were about 5 hours ago (which were also my first posts since about 12 hours before that) yet lems felt the need to create two more seperate threads since then right? ;) And the fact that the only people still posting in this thread are lemmings waking sure that no soul goes without hearing "teh truth"(or known cows blatantly trolling them by pretending they think the numbers are real). If lemmings know that the cows still saying the numbers are true are "trolling" (which they are) then why do they keep replying to them? Why do they feel it is their duty that they see justice through to the end, and the evil tyrant sony brought to justice? Just ignore it ;)StrongDeadlift
I am not even replying to those posters; I am just having fun watching them troll along with the few damage controlling.
And that is the true way to be a system warrior lulz. :P But I can say this.....I promise you those cows that are still saying that are laughing behind their monitors and trolling, and getting entertainment, while at the same time it legitimately frustrates (alot of) lemmings seeing people who still think its true. This is evidenced by the continued effort by lemmings to "spread the truth". And that is the exact definition of "damage control". They feel its their legitimate responsibility to sponge out the "dissinformation" (aka "controlling" the "Damage" ), and an innate need to make sure every soul knows the numbers are shipped. If they know its shipped, just ignore it, and let the threads die. But the 3.8 number is sold. Sold-in.[spoiler] :cool: [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="Easyle"][QUOTE="waltefmoney"]Ever been to business class? Sold to retailers is the same. The retailers paid money, and Sony makes a profit. END OF STORY. Sure, they would love to sell every single one of the copies of their games, but that is illogical, and downright stupid. OK genius, have you ever heard of Supply and Demand? I ordered 100 Cow milk, sold 90 Cow milk day one. Supply low due to popularity, I ordered 100 more the next day.Battlefield 3 - in a week.
You ordered 100 Cow milk, sold 30 Cow milk day one. You either sell your remaining milk stock at a reduced price (which either is at a lost or with very little gain in profit) or let it spoil. Are you going to order more of the same milk at the same quantity any time soon? LOL
So what you're saying is if those 3.8 million don't sell through fairly quickly, U3's price ought to get cut really fast, right? I mean, if price gets cut because retail can't move what they bought, then if they can't sell their very first shipment, they'll drop the price almost immediately, so if the game doesn't get massive price cuts in a month or two, will we be able to say the game actually sold well?Actually it was 9.8 million in one day.[QUOTE="EPaul"]
lol you do realize MW3 had 6.5 million day one sales right?
Even though it is multiplat that is still crazy as hell.
Its possible, COD is crazy popular in the US and UK, and is the not only the biggest, but also one of only a handful of games that even exist for the huge bro-gamer demographic. Also, it is on 4 platforms. So I don't doubt it... even though your source is VGChartz... :poh come on ian, you are just playing semantics now. you know what the score is here, incidentally MW3 SOLD (To customers) In the UK and US ALONE in ONE DAY 6.5 million copies, wowsers.sts106matI'm having a good time here. My beef is that some people are talking about cows getting owned, because its shipped not sold, and saying Sony lied and downplaying it as meaning nothing because they aren't sold. Sony didn't lie. They referred to sell in as sold, which is what all companies do, unless they are specifically making a point of saying sold through. Those copies were sold. Sony can't just willy-nilly ship them out and say "Oh, we sold 4 million!" They sent out what retailers bought, based on how fast they expect it to move due to preorders, market research, etc.People always laugh at sales discussions, saying sales only matter to Sony/MS/Nintendo; if that's true, sell in is what matters. Those 3.8 have been bought and paid for, and the revenue added to Sony's books. If the only people that sales should matter to are the companies, then the only people sell-through should matter to are Walmart, Best Buy, Gamestop, etc.
3.8 million day one sell in on one platform is great, and puts it on track to be amongst the years best selling games, which is exactly what Sony said. Someone posted a link about Batman a bit ago, that said it had 4.6 or something sell in, and 2 million sell through in one week, on two platforms, making it one of the industries best seling games. We don't know the sell through for Uncharted yet, but anyway you look at it, 3.8 million day one sell in for a single platform is huge. How many games, outside CoD, have been higher than that on 360 or PS3? Halo games, GT, maybe Gears? Possibly GTA? Less than a dozen games altogether? I mean, we don't know, but I'd say it's pretty safe to say it's less than 5% of games released, which puts Uncharted in a pretty elite club.
It sold more than gears right 3.8? Tracked oct 31 I'm thinking I'm gonna laugh when it is 8 th. what prediction do u have for its place. I'm officially 8 software spotForzaGearsFaceI'm not sure, so correct me as soon as I've got something wrong.
NPD does market research for US.
Uncharted 3's launch date in the US was Nov 1.
NPD's reporting period for Oct will be 4 weeks, ending on the 29th.
Uncharted 3 won't have any data on October's NPD results, since it was not released in the US during this reporting period.
True or false: Sony sold 3.8 million copies of Uncharted 3 on or before launch day?
False. Sony SHIPPED 3.8 million copies of Uncharted 3 on or before launch day.
Nah, it's true. Sony did sell 3.8 million. We don't know how many of that sold through to consumers, and probably won't ever for sure, unless Sony makes another statement about sell-through, but the 3.8 million were sold. We will have an estimate of how many sold through in UK, US, and Japan, either weekly or monthly, for as long as the game is in the top 20 in those regions.This thread is amusing.
Sony waited 6 days to investigate before full disclosure.
Valve waited 4 days to investigate before full disclosure.
Sony disclosed that their was an intrusion into their system, during which personal information was exposed, including your name, address, hashed password. CC numbers were encrypted and stored in a seperate location. There was no evidence these were accessed, but they couldn't rule it out.
Valve disclosed their was an intrusion into their systems, during which personal information was exposed, including your name, address, and hashed password. CC numbers were encrypted, and they don't think they were accessed, but they can't rule it out.
Yet these scenarios are completely different. Sony lied and covered things up till they got caught. Valve was immediately open and forthcoming with info (apparently 2 days is the difference between disclosing immediately, and holding back info). Sony getting hacked was Sony's fault, for having no security. Valve getting hacked was the hacker's fault. Why would anyone hack Valve? Sony getting hacked, with 77 million PSN accounts, meant 77 million people's credit card numbers were stolen, despite the fact that there were only 10 million or something credit card numbers stored (which, again, were encrypted, and they had no evidence they were accessed, and there was no CVV info stored). Valve is a non-issue, because there's no evidence the credit card tables were accessed, and even if they were, they're encrypted (we have no idea how many cc numbers were stored, yet, but it's probably waaaay more than on PSN).
For the record, I don't think the Valve thing is a big deal. Stuff gets hacked. Looks like Valve is taking care of it, no reason to hate them for it, blame the hackers, and so on... I think the reaction I've seen so far is about right... and is the same reaction that the PSN hack should have had. The part I find amusing is people trying to act like the situations are so different to justify the Sony hate.
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