Good. They wanted to go with a CoD style crap full of interactive cutscenes so we rejected it. Look EA, CoD is a social phenomenon not a gaming phenomenon, people buy it because it's popular, not because its a great experience.
Make a great war game with a real authentic scope ( not CoD ), because that was supposed to be your selling point, authenticity. Well, EA should have leaned more towards ArmA than to CoD if they wanted to portray a realistic war experience.
Take note EA. I had planned to buy MoH until I saw the path it was taking, then I decided not to support it just like I stopped supporting CoD.
@TheBigChewbacca @meankilleR Very true, too much money spent for just having better graphics makes no sense to me, because games are mainly developed for the console market (bigger) the PC has to settle for having exactly the same game consoles get, with just superior visuals. Same physics, same AI, same mechanics, etc, etc.
When next gen consoles release, ones that can handle more complex game mechanics then that benefit will be passed on to PC. So the fact is, PC games are limited to what consoles can handle, and all expensive PC's can do with all their ridiculous power is render better graphics. That's not worth my thousands of dollars.
@INF1DEL @sam628 Agreed, simple is beautiful sometimes. I love PC gaming but gave up because I just couldn't fit all the updating, upgrading, file operations, etc in my schedule. If I had the time, trust me I would go with PC all the way, I really miss all tweaking towards a more customized experience, but man, so time and effort consuming.
I just hope this means huge improvements on physics engines, AI dynamics, damage models, environmental destructability, overall interactivity, etc, and not just better graphics.
I for one would never surrender my consumer rights for the sole purpose of corporate earnings for game developers/publishers. I will continue to play and support games that don't force unwanted elements on me, like online only, etc, while they last. I have downloaded some games but ultimately prefer physical copies.
When ever the industry gets overly restrictive and excessively controls what I can do or how I can play then I will only incline towards reducing this kind of entertainment to an absolute minimum and turn to other ways of entertainment, because at the end, it's just entertainment and the choices are many.
Key words "action-shooter", Splinter Cell is no more, I loved it as a stealth game but now it's an action-shooter? Far Cry is a good FPS that can be played completely as a stealth game, hopefully this one will too.
From what I've seen, looks a lot like MGS guns of the patriot, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but if it looked more like SC chaos theory it would be more attractive to me.
jagcivtec's comments