SO i downloaded the update (3.01) and surprise surprise. one of my controllers isn't working, it's a dualshock 3 and it can be used to trun on the console, but that's it, it doesn't function beyond that. my other controller does work and this only started happening since update 3.00 and 3.01. anyone else?
jbufv's forum posts
So since update 3.01 people started talking about it being bad, doing more harm then good. Others think that it solved everything. What do you think? If you say it did more harm then good, please say why.I think it is bad, as after downloading the update my ps3 started freezing sometimes when playing downloaded games and it sometimes randomly disconnects from the interne,' requiring a reboot, never did that before the update.
so today i tried downloading the update 3.01. and for some reason, my ps3 always gets to 60% before showing error 8002F997. it never did that before, i tried both updating through the internet and a usb device, bith yielded same result. I went online and read that the update 3.01 is causing more harm than good, so i figured maybe sony stoped it from being downloadable. am i correct? or is something up with my ps3?
So I just got a new bluetooth headset and decided to play some MGS online with it as i though tit would make the game more fun. Guess what, NO ONE is using their headsets on MGS or red faction. WHY? I mean, i truly think headsets are awsome in gaming, they make games better and much more fun. What do you think?
so since i updated LittleBigPlanet I've been having sound problems in various areas of the game. Apparently, this is due to bugs in the last update as it seems many other people are experiencing these problems. I would like your help in getting Media Molecule's attention to fix this problem. If you are experiencing any problems like popit or menu sounds, or any other in game sounds, sign in the link below, you will need a PSN ID, if you don't have one, sign below. Thank you, please help spread the word so we can fix this problem as soon as possible and go back to enjoying LBP to it's fullest.
sign here if you have a PSN ID:
It's pretty straigh tofrward. I like the older models look, the new one looks like a ps2...
same hereI'm happy with my fatty :P. But if I needed a replacement I wouldn't mind getting the slim.
SO it used ot be fine, then it would stop playing "poping" sounds when i played LBP for a while. I turned on the game today and played for about 20 mins, and now There is NO sound. i do have sound on XMB and other games, so i don't think it is my ps3, plus it is only half a month old, so i doubt it is broken. what is the cause for my problem? maybe the data is corrupted and i should reinstall the game? please help me.
sometimes after playing LittleBigPlanet for a while, i go back to the pod and some sounds are gone, specifically the popping sound that should playing when scrolling through the menu or levels. it only happens in LBP and only this sound, all other sounds play fine. is that common?
apparently there are three fan speeds in the ps3 1, 2 and 3, right? 1 is when you turn it on, 2 is when you play it for about 15 mins and 3 is, well, extremely long play times. i know that playing while the fans are on level 3 is pretty much cooking your ps3. but it is safe to play for a while on level 2, right? also, if i can hear the fan when the TV is quiet, but the console is cool, i can assume it is level 2, right?
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