@rohanrocks88: Eh. Skill is a very loose term these days, especially when a lot of FPS games play themselves and all you have to do is learn how to take advantage of that. COD is one of the worst offenders.
Maybe people don’t want super sprinting, sliding, vaulting, auto aim, power abilities, spray n pray shooters, which is what every FPS seems to be these days.
The competition that we need doesn’t lie in COD clones. It lies in creating something different from the current trends, but I don’t see that happening for a long time.
No thanks. We’re being nickel and dimed by everyone and everything in life these days, so I pass on it whenever possible. Verify my foot up your ass, Twitter; and don’t forget to pay me your dues on your way out.
Elijah is correct. Movies used to be made with heaps more passion than they are today. Movie making used to be a passion project in and of itself. Great movies are very few and far in between today and everything else is a dime for three dozen.
Everyone wants to recreate beloved franchises or create new ones with “more diversity, more agendas, more woe is me characters, etc.” and that is their driving motivation, rather than doing anything justice, being creative or purely passionate to create something special and memorable for good reasons. Anything to stir up controversy to snag a few headlines instead of snagging headlines for the quality and heart of the content.
The money will come if the quality and love is there and that has been proven 100 fold.
It’s a good thing they put this showcase together. Up until this point, the game has looked very mediocre and uninspired. Maybe that was intentional? Either way, this showcase looks fantastic. I had written the game off, but I’ll have my eye in I now. It looks like a much more mature FF game.
@maralzo: 100+ fps at 1440p-4k maxed out is what a high end PC will give you in current games. I wouldn’t call that baffling by any means. Some games perform worse than others, such as The Last of Us, but this one is a bit of an oddity, where most games perform well enough.
I’ve been gaming on PC since about 2005 and I can say that it’s in a far better place now than it was then. The PS3 and 360 era was complete trash and a lot of games were locked to 30 or 60fps. PC ports were absolutely horrible, damn near every time. Not only that, but tons of games didn’t even make it to PC. These days, almost everything (aside from Nintendo) comes to PC eventually.
I suppose, in order to understand or appreciate anything, one must know their history. I’ll take today’s PC gaming in a heartbeat.
I’m willing to bet that the game’s ideas were “too original and too unlike current trends.” It’s sort of ironic. The only games that ever stand out are the games that do something different or do everything exceptionally well or the games that aren’t overly saturating the market. This is a shame, really. By no means did anyone expect a masterpiece out of this, but you can be completely certain that it would have been a fun and unique experience in a market full of rinse and repeat experiences.
Honestly, I don’t want New Vegas 2. I want a different city. There are so many awesome places for Fallout games to explore, that it doesn’t make sense to do the same place twice. I know Obsidian can make a better Fallout game than Fallout 4, but the Vegas setting isn’t really my thing. Maybe a sequel will change my mind. As long as it’s a good Fallout game, I suppose it’s not a huge deal. I love Fallout, after all. I’ll take any new single player Fallout that releases.
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