@p1p3dream: You think the guy who laborsly came up with the formula for this deserves jack squat when someone uses it to make money?
News flash, scientists need to make money too. You think Bell gave away his Telephone patent for free so the world can use it without paying him a dime. Hell no. Bell became weathy off his Telephone idea.
@Zzshock: The fck, how can you knowingly use someone elses formula for personal gain and not expect to ever pay them? What planet do you live on? Hello Games ain't curing cancer, they are making a game to sell for $$$.
If you plan on making $$$ from someone elses work, then you better know from the get go that you need to pay them at some point in time.
Its like using Beattles Music in your film and expecting the musicians to completely cool with it. Really?
@Argle: Yeah, ever since Twilight its like every bad writer on Earth came together and started churning out crap for the masses, and Hollywood started buying up all the crap.
Fifty Shades, 3rd Wave, The Host, Maze Runner, Immortal Instruments the list goes on and on, each book is worse than the next. And each movie worse than the next.
Fifty Shades was horrendous just like Allegiant.
The only people benefitted from Fifty Shades were the song writers.
kazeswen's comments