Movies are here to stay. There is something about a non participant medium where you just watch and do nothing else that is very endearing. Sometime the audience does not want to participate or make any decisions. We just wanna watch things unfold.
@bickle2: C'mon kids playing in games of life and death to satify adults in a new world order.
We all know thats Battle Royale.
Gladiatorial games didn't have kids fighting for adults in a new world order.
Anytime you plagerize a vague concept you cannot get sued, obviously the Japanese author is gonna say they don't mind. The success of Hunger Games just helps sell more Battle Royale books, its good publicity.
Bottom line Hunger Games was a rip off, Divergent is a rip off, 3rd Wave is a rip off, Maze Runner is a rip off, they are all dirivitage of eachother, so no one can sue anyone, cause they are all rip offs.
The thing with ripping people off is it works both ways. You can't rip off Battle Royale than complain that you got ripped off yourself, you just live with it.
You'd think they would have learned from 3rd Wave, The Host, Immortal Instrument and all the other failed tweens novel adaptation. Bad novels make bad films. Just cause the writers are trying to cash in on a trend doesn't mean they are succeeding.
A movie needs to be reasonably good to make money. Any crap with giant robots will sell in China, but thats only China and this movie has no fighting robots. So at the end Allegiant proved that a poorly written book no matter how many tweens are in it is still just a bad movie waiting to happen.
Allegiant was so bad, that I literally couldn't sit through half the film, and I was watching it for free. The execs really need to read these books before greenlighting them, how can they dump so much money into such horrible writing is beyond me.
At least Twilight and Hunger Games was readable. Allegiant is just horrendous writing.
@wtf_666: Dude chill, I wasn't dissing Americans. Just find it fascinating that Americans love sticking Zombies in EVRYTHING. Its the catch all of all American media, like China loves Kungfu, Americans love Zombies.
Think about every single game gets a re-releases with Zombies.
Call of Duty vs Zombies, Red Dead Redemption vs Zombies, Tomb Raiders vs Zombies.
LOL Even Pride and Prejudice was made into a Zombie flick by the yanks.
I just find it fascinating how one nation can love Zombies so much as to add it into everything. LOL Its hilarious.
Its like Japan adding panties into everything. Thats another national trope all its own.
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