@bmanva: The funny thing is Sutherland probably never even talked to Kojima and most likely asked for a massage pay cheque and only showed up for like 2 hours of recording, which would explain his lack of dialogue.
@RCT4ShouldExist: Problem is in art when you use other people work you give source credit, that's the difference from plagiarising and adapting and inspiring.
You must always state the source material, it's basic human principle, which Kojima lacks, he lacks basic principle which is why he is in his current situation. Why he got canned from his job.
Snatcher should have paid Philip K. Dick for inspiration from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, as Blade Runner did, but Kojima pretended it was his own work.
MGS should have paid John Carpenter for inspiration from Escape from New York and again, Kojima passed it off as his own work.
The difference from a plagiarist and an artist, is a real artist always gives credit where credit is due.
You do not call your character Plissken in the game, then turn around and say that Snake Plisskin had nothing to do with your character. Its why Kojima is a prick.
There is a fine line from stealing and inspiration, when you give source credit you are no longer stealing. when you don't give source credit you are stealing.
@bmanva: Actually even when the real snake shows up in the end in his biker jacket, it was still Sutherland. If your theory is correct, then Hayter should have voiced the real Snake at the end on his motorbike.
So, no, they chose Sutherland cause Kojima is a pretentious prick and always wanted to work with a real movie star. That's it.
@RCT4ShouldExist: Let me see, Both characters call themselves Snake Plisskin, both characters wear an eyepatch, both characters have a virus implanted in them that makes them die from a heart attack while on a secret mission, both talk in a scruffy voice, both wear stealth suits.
You want me to list more plagiarism from Kojima?
How about this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k7DrIWcrdI
Kojima spent his whole life plagiarising people.
Snatchers = Blade Runner
MGS = Escape from New York
blah blah blah. It ain't even a secret.
Did you know Kojima tried to replace Hayter with Kurt Russel the same guy who played Snake in Escape from New York!
@kentray1985: Hayter was funny to boot too. "But can you eat it?" LOL priceless.
Sutherland was dry as mthrfcker. And Sutherland pretty much sounded exactly like Jack Bauer, its like he didn't even try to act, he just picked up the pay cheque and did his usual Jack Bauer voice that he's been doing every single role for the past decade
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