@RobDev: I say he's star, not an actor, 'cause he can't act, he just plays himself.
You claim that he can act, yet cannot provide any evidence of him playing any character that was remotely believable.
What is it about this debate that flies past your head? Are you slow? Illiterate? You seem to have an irrational love for Cavill and his acting ability or lack of it.
Are you his mom? Just say that you are Cavill's mom and we can understand.
The MAN cannot ACT. Period. Cavill plays Cavill in every film, his characters are never believable 'cause they are all the same. Get it? Cavill's mom.
@RobDev: When you are the same in every film, then its safe to say that's Cavill. Unless his idea of acting is playing the same character in every single film.
@Bread_or_Decide: Ben was very good in, Good Will Hunting, To the Wonder (he says nothing almost), The Company Men, Hollywoodland (haunting performance), etc.
@moose-fitz: Cavill doesn't act, he puts on a costume and talks. To act you would need to actually play a character that is not yourself. "Acting" = playing someone pretending to be someone other than you.
If you've watched Cavill's films, you'll see that Cavill has never played anyone but Cavill.
He's not an actor, but rather just a star. It takes little to no artistry to just be yourself in every movie just wearing a different costume.
Now, Ben Affleck that's the real actor of the two.
P.S There is nothing wrong with what Cavill does, but when he claims to be an artists, its insulting to all the real actors. He should just be content to being a movie star.
kazeswen's comments