@speed45823: Hold on there... There are SO many variables in how the games graphics are configured. Running full ultra 4K settings with two GPU's on PC yields completely different result that running single GPU medium or high settings which will be closer to XoX performance. Pop in and draw distance will be the most distracting as it created an jarring effect on screen at anytime. Sure XoX will look amazing but I think everyone needs to reel in the reality of what PC graphics and console graphics actually are when looking at $500 gear vs $1500 gear. Full screen anti aliasing will always be that one shortcoming that devs sacrifice to get everything running properly and that one feature alone could make or break PC gamer adoption if gaming on proper 4K HDR displays.
Sure I would prefer to game on a nice quiet console and have full ultra 4K graphics. I have water cooling and tons of fans trying to keep my PC cool and it's loud, especially when I overclock. To push ALL the pixels, not just the one optimized for the Scorpio processor but all the ones in the PC game requires massive amounts of cooling. Even the liquid cooling chamber in the XoX box isn't enough to allow for all that. Compromises are being made and we won't know to what extent until Digital Foundry dives in and evaluates it all.
Sunday was a good day. You want games, you got games. They may not be true exclusives by definition but they exist. I can't see how ANY gamer in their right mind would want to say shit about the XoX, who can't love a console that's abbreviation is love? It's powerful, it's got the UHD Drive and it's clearly pushing for legit 4K HDR.
Long ago (by leaking NEO plans nearly 2 1/2 years before actual release date) Sony responded to gamers complaints about poor graphics and framerates with the Pro and now Microsoft has responded to that in an even bigger way. The clowns that legitimately thought the original Xbox One bundle with a Kinect and far too many 720p games was a good deal should reconsider an upgrade.
Good on Microsoft for making an substantial effort. I may indeed pre-order the XoX just to play those rare few online games I might want.
@detroitking02: I have many native 4K games, whatch you talkin bout willis? They said they didn't have time since they're completely focused on Cyberpunk, why you making shit up?
It's a sizable list and I believe confirms my original theory that in an ironic twist, Microsoft will indeed have more 4K games on their console that the PS4 Pro even after a year head start. Strange that Witcher III is on there when they denounced any sort of Pro 4k patch possibilities.
And where the hell is legacy Halo? Are they saving the 4K Halo announcement for another event?
@hrv_25: Was just going to post that. The only Xbox One game I have left sitting on my shelf after the purge is Halo 5. Was waiting to finish for when the graphics improve someday.
They made a Mass Effect / Destiny hybrid that look pretty good. Is that why they threw together Andromeda at the last minute to pass off the Mass Effect game they've been working on for so long as a new IP?
The exclusives are debatable, some suck, some look ok but all are either "timed" or indie so I doubt anyone really cares. It's always about the numbers with Microsoft and they've always been quantity first, quality second.
Shit just got real with the console however. It was a nice touch for Microsoft to note in the lower corner of each game trailer whether a game was going to be native 4K, have HDR and even just stick with Sony's "enhanced" terminology which may be either downscaled, not true native or checkerboard scaling. I hope they elaborate more on that soon. I am so relieved Microsoft is putting so much emphasis of higher quality gaming by finally acknowledging 4K. This will push tech in all sectors to move forward a little faster now.
Some issues I have with this announcement are they blew it on the name, like they always do. Everyone wanted Scorpio so naturally no one gets it. No 1tb SSD, no Elite controller, no bundled game and most of all, NO mention if any Halo FPS game would be patched to support 4K or HDR. Microsoft DID mention there would be "something" Halo related at the even yet there wasn't. I was really expecting some legacy Halo to be 4K HDR. All these missing things add up to the premium product they are trying to pretend the console is and charge $500 for.
Overall, without seeing what Sony has planned, based on just the console alone because the game selection is very generic, Microsoft did an excellent job this year. If Sony has no new console planned in the next year or better, enthusiasts are going to make Microsoft a lot of money with the Scorpio. I'm skeptical that any $500 device can perform on par with a $3000 gaming PC. Things like draw distance and pop-in may plague X games but we'll see. Anyone bitching about price needs not be concerned with this hobby, come on already. Yes, you bought an Xbox One but no PC or PS4 Pro because you're cheap. 4K isn't for the faint of cash.
KhanWasHere's comments