I will be completely on board with Scorpio if it in fact does true native 4k/60 with negligible sacrifices over my gaming PC with dual GTX 1080ti's. Seriously. If the hype is real and the Scorpio is the best, I will buy it. But the hard fact remains that it has been documented that most Scorpio games will be upscaled to 4k in the exact same way PS4 Pro does it. Still confused how the Scorpio "is" the PS4 Pro since technically, no one can buy a console that doesn't exist.
I suspect Microsoft will give lots of attention to the existing Halo games running in 4K on the Scorpio to derail attention off the fact there's no Halo 6 to discuss. Which is ok for me because I still have Halo 5 sitting among my PS4 games waiting to finish when they get the graphics up to snuff with the better hardware.
Having optional sexual relationships, especially gay one's as those are not even traditional to allow for universal acceptance in AAA, brick and mortar level consumer accessible video games products always has been and always will be f^cking stupid and ridiculous. This isn't gay bashing or a statement on sexual preference but a call out of the total lack of common sense on game developers part. Where do you draw the line? Pokemon? Splatoon? Mario? Overwatch?... oh wait... that's been tainted too.
Seriously, everyone knows how hamburgers are made. Is it necessary to have to see the process every time you go to the store?
I dabbled in the PS3 for a bit just for the Socom, Resistance and Killzone games but have been a hardcore Xbox guy since the original launched. I never got into God of War or had the PS3 long enough to discover it. When Microsoft took a steaming dump on everyone with the Xbox One I went with a PS4 and my first experience with GoW was the GoW III remaster. It was remarkable. I was shocked to see what I had been missing plus the visuals were impressive with a sense of scale I wasn't use to seeing in most games from that generation. This new GoW for the PS4 Pro will only be a second one for me so I'm stoked, especially to experience it in the latest graphics on my 4K tv. There is a certain level of quality and care that go into Sony 1st party titles you don't see in Microsoft games. Like it or not.
@Bread_or_Decide: Maybe they'll get seated next to you when you want to go out for nice quiet dinner and you can judge Kratos on his obvious lack of parenting as the kid runs around the table and gets food everywhere.
KhanWasHere's comments