@dzimm: Also, the only people who have seen this are the few who saw it at the festival. Probably better to wait until the viewing spectrum has opened up just a tad larger before judging scoring websites. Especially on sites where people can vote before it's even released. Ahem, IMDB...
@promeym: Who said that's what the movie wants you to do? Your reaction is yours alone. I believe that is the point. To make you discover how exactly you feel when presented with this situation and then deal with those feelings.
@Poodger: Judging by reviews (all of which I've seen are seriously positive) it's a very different portrayal of the character. So I don't think there's any point comparing them.
The idea of people being killed by things like this and napalm in real life is clearly horrific to anyone with a moral compass.
It's a god damn video game. Where is the outrage over every single game that has included nuclear weapons (just for one tiny example)?? I remember the glee I took in wiping out that little town early on in Fallout: New Vegas, but I don't remember a bunch of so-called 'journalists' getting all worked up about it. What's the difference here exactly...?
I drop cluster bombs like there's no tomorrow in DCS World, and yet, no outrage. Seriously guys, quit with the double f**king standards.
Mezzanine58's comments