@ps3gamer1234: CK3 would make phones explode with the amount of calculations going on. And oddly enough, that probably isn't an exaggeration. iPhones would be on fire in seconds.
@Doomerang: The ladies aren't innocent in this matter either.
Wow. They aren't innocent for calling out a guy creepily coming on to them by using his position of influence? You're aware they didn't actually meet him, right?
@xnshd: Goodness, this all just went a touch over your head, didn't it? Now let's see if you get this - imagine you're a father of a girl who uses TikTok (and if you are, why are you not deleting it from her phone post haste?) and one of the TikTok devs started using their influence within the app to come on to her? Is that, per chance, a problem?
@asnakeneverdies: Where does it say they even met? Please, do provide us with a quote. Or... is it that he lied to female gamers in an attempt to use his job to seduce random women? It's not illegal, but it is extremely creepy and probably against whatever is left of Ubisoft's tattered code of conduct.
@gleencross: 'Twilight guy' has actually turned into a very competent actor indeed, so I wouldn't worry about his ability to portray the character, more about how he's told to actually do the character.
Mezzanine58's comments