[QUOTE="neversummer75"] I'm a lemming through and through and Ihave almost always been critical of Sony and the Playstaion brand. However, I will be man enough to admit that Killzone 2's visuals have just blown me away. No way in hell did I think Sony would have been able to pull this off. Will I now be purchasing a PS3? Nope. For I don't have the time nor money to own any more systems. I own a xbox360 and I'm MORE than happy with it. Halo 3 and xboxlive willhold my interest for months and years to come.
With that being said, I do infact think that killzone 2 looks amazing and sadly in my opinion, looks visually leaps and bounds better than Halo 3. However, when it comes to actually gameplay I have no doubt that Halo 3 will prevail over killzone 2. Props to Sony and the PS3, for Killzone 2looks better than any othergame I have ever seen sofarother than crysis. It's a real shame Halo 3 couldn't have mixed it's amazing gameplay with Killzone 2's caliber of graphics. I really think the xbox360 has the power to pull it off. Oh well....what can ya do?
yeah, i'm very annoyed with microsoft, for a console released a year earlier i'd expect games to look like that on the 360 first. it does look pretty insane and lemmings that disagree just make the rest of us look stupid. the first couple halo 3single playerpictures made me loose complete interest.but if killzone plays like that hopefully it will force microsoft to get some proper next-gen games out.
More than anything I think I'm a little more disappointed in Bungie. I really think they took the safe rout when making Halo 3. Thats not to say that Halo 3 looks bad. Infact I think it looks great...but not mind blowing as it should have looked. I just wished Bungie would have taken some chances and really pushed the xbox360 to the MAX and made Halo 3play and LOOK amazing. I really think the xbox360 has the power to make Halo 3 look just as good as killzone 2. I just think Bungie played it a little to cautious with the visuals. Although I think Killzone 2's look MUCH better than those ofHalo 3's, I stillthinkHalo 3 will be the betteroverall game. I guess we shall see.
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