@GregoryBastards: I'd be mad but they gave me Res 1 & 0 on PC & current gen consoles, which means i no longer have a reason to keep the Wii close to the TV :) They're making the Res 2 remake (not remaster) & Res 7 too, so it's all gravy to me. It's common practice for the big companies to re-release popular titles, and it stretches to movies & TV too with special editions, new formats, etc.
@RSM-HQ: I found the first one very difficult to be honest. I understand that it's not feasible to be able to accomplish everything in the time you have & with the resources available, but it felt like constant failure to me, especially when you inevitably fight one of the many tough bosses. If you like a challenge & don't mind learning how to play the game, then it might be something for you. Personally, i preferred the technically inferior Wii version since it was much more manageable to me.
I didn't play #2 so i can't really comment on the game as a whole, but i completed Off the Record & enjoyed that a lot. It had a much softer learning curve in comparison to the original, and the difficulty never seemed to spike to infuriating levels for me :)
In my opinion, it's a shame Capcom probably won't take the opportunity to add co op multiplayer to the original, or at the very least a 'very easy' option to the existing single player only game. Personally, i'm much more patient with tricky games when i'm having a laugh with friends in the meantime, and the game most definitely feels rewarding when you actually get things done.
@Atzenkiller: A Resident Evil Outbreak remaster, complete with working multiplayer would be nice. Other than that it's just Resi 2 (which is getting done) & 3 for me, but they'd no doubt come under remakes rather than remasters.
@brightsunbeam: And i can't fault your logic. Only to say that even the largest market would be foolish not to trade when it's in their benefit. The largest importers of UK goods/services continue to be the USA, China & Germany. There's no reason this would change in a profound way because trading under the EU doesn't include any specific tax breaks as far as i know, and the EU has never monopolised specific goods to specific countries, which means every country has had a fair shot a trading what we also trade.
I don't know one way or the other if the UK will see a benefit in GNP/GDP as a result of the split, but what i can say is that we don't appreciate being under the thumb of a collective, certainly not when we have to pay that collective billions of pounds per year (roughly £8.5 billion/£23 million per day last year adjusted for what we saw in return) to make decisions we often don't agree with. You're right too, ideology does play a part in my argument, and rightly so. We should be mindful of how our country is run, and a simple monetary figure doesn't tell the whole picture.
It will no doubt hurt us in the short term, but in the long term it will mean greater control for our elected officials & of our trade agreements. It's a scary time to be in, but it's something that has to be done in the eyes of the majority of the British population. We did fine before the EU, we'll do fine without it. The US & commonwealth countries continue to be our real friends & partners. Also, we won't have to 'compete' with it. Economies work together to fulfill the needs of each other, and as such, Europe will still need to trade with us & us with them.
To your last point, we were a flag on the wall for the EU that nobody in Brussels paid much attention to. We deserve better than that. The US & Chinese people & markets respect us more than anyone in the EU ever did. Don't be so quick to jump on the mistake bandwagon that's doing the rounds all over the net today.
@pspearman: I hear what you're saying. Bringing diversity for the sake of ticking a little box saying you've done so solely for that reason is just as bad as being ignorant to the fact that you didn't acknowledge that it could have been anyone other than a a white male. I really dislike the types of people that insist on complete 'fairness' in that regard. Perhaps it's more suited to the game that the character be a white male, perhaps a black woman. The point is that the decision should be based on the games story, etc & not to appease those that feel it fair to look at everything with a spirit level.
Paul136's comments