@d3nR @MoronGotMyName @Samparksh That's one of the positives. I have a Kinect, it sucks, and I never use it. But it could be used to enhance a lot of things if it was just integrated naturally instead of the awkward functionality it has now and having to switch to it and everything. With it packaged in, we'll start to see it used in more subtle and natural ways.
Sony's going the same direction, if you didn't notice.
@pip3dream Yep, ditto. Just another box that will be outdated this time faster than ever before.
Plus it will have extremely limited content for a long time, your old library of games is trash unless you're a PC gamer, and most of the biggest titles will be coming out for current gen at the same time this releases.
GTA V? Current gen. Dark Souls? Current Gen, PC. GT6? Current Gen. Might not even look at what's out for next gen until well into 2014. And then, if I find something motivating, the first thing I'll check is if I can get it on PC to avoid a console purchase.
@Alucard1475 @decoy1978 I liked it, pretty sexy. Only problem is that I actually couldn't care less whether I liked the design or not. The failure to impress on all other fronts is the problem here.
@WeWerePirates @cheese232323 Pirates is right. Even if they hadn't confirmed elsewhere, now you knew because they were hot button issues and they didn't even mention them.
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