@unreal101 With the "emergence of AAA", experiences have become much more cookie cutter, been there done that. A really great game was a big event back in the day, and everybody bought it. Now there are more 'everybodys' but it's no big thing to miss most 'AAA' titles. In most cases you've played something just like it already, have a backlog of other options, and can count on something new and just like it coming out around the corner.
@syztem +1 Good on them for declining. I'm all for telling "the other side of the story" but her thing was just sensationalist fear mongering bogus posing as a "news" show. Too disgusting and low brow to let if have the credibility of intelligent participation.
They played the crap out of it but couldn't be bothered to drop a review.
That's okay, I bought it and couldn't be bothered to play it. Maybe when someone mods in practical controller support so I can play from the couch I'll look again.
GT6 has me about as excited as a kid at Christmas opening presents only to find his parents just wrapped his old toys. There are only four things I don't know about DriveClub that I still need to know, that could make it a system seller, or not, for me:
1. Is it based in an open world like TDU?
2. Is it fenced in by invisible walls and artificial barriers like Horizon?
3. What wheels does PS4/DriveClub support?
4. Will Dark Souls II come out for the same system?
I learn a lot from the people in these threads. Stealing is okay for lots of different reasons! It's just really too bad home addresses aren't posted with these comments. I for one think maybe stealing would be okay as long as the person you are steeling from believes it is okay.
You know, like "when in Rome do as the Romans", or like "when at a Roman's house...steal his sh*t"
plaintomato's comments