rahzel54's forum posts
Not that many games do it though.SportsFanatic10i sure hope this continues... i'm kind of worried most developers will take advantage of this, and i really hope that it stays under 5gb/game. i think anything over 1-2gb is already too much.
Caching could be as little as 100megs to as much as around 1gig to be rpactical, anymore is getting silly.teebeenzoblivion takes about 5gb. this is one of the few things i don't like about the ps3. it makes the 20GB version pretty much useless unless you upgrade it or you only plan on playing 3-5 games at a time, and thats also considering that you don't plan on having any videos/music/pictures etc. i bought the 20GB version thinking it would suffice, but after hearing games are taking several GB of space, i quickly bought an 80GB drive.
I was very disappointed with the ps3 version of CoD 3. I thought that the Sixaxis made the game a lot more fun than its 360 counterpart. However, I was sorely disappointed in the appalling frame rate. There is absolutely no reason why the frame rate shouldn't be 60fps just like the 360 version. I feel the ps3 version was rushed and is incomplete. When I play CoD 3 on the 360 with its silky smooth frame rate and imagine using the the sixaxis along with that, I get a glimpse at what CoD 3 on the ps3 could have and should have been. I wish I could give the game back to the dev's and say "I'm not playing this until you finish it!"gruoch1it probably was rushed for launch, along with most of the ps3's launch titles.
Does the 4th take place after the 2nd one cause i know the order of the games is 3,1,2..mmirza23afaik, its after number 1. so story wise, it goes like this: DMC3 - DMC1 - DMC4 - DMC2. i'm guessing DMC4 will be good. its the first on the ps3 and i'm sure they'll take the things that made DMC1 and 3 good and learn from the mistakes of 2.
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