rahzel54's forum posts
it's mind blowing how MS 10.4 sold=shipped. when sony shipped=sold since they aren't all sitting in peoples homes. just simply mind blow with the logic in here some timev-vega75huh? MS 10.4m sold does not equal shipped... you mean the other way around... big difference. do you honestly think all 360's shipped have been sold to people, not stores?
I think TC got the title wrong, it should say: MOTORSTORM- KOTAKU- The final product is crap compared to DEMO!! WOW LINK !!KrazyKenKutaraghuh? wth are you talking about?
So, they completly remade the graphics/levels after the demo ??tricyclon123i doubt it. remember, its already available in Japan. i doubt they made any significant changes. if there are any, it may be for the better the way Kotaku put it.
its similar to burnout, but offroad. also, when you take the bikes, you can punch people off their bikes. i can see that being extremely fun online. i can see this game being at least high AA for the graphics, fun factor and online.I hope it's as good as Burnout Revenge. I'm loving that game.
From the article:Sony shipped 2m units in mid January. this is why i think this article actually means that the ps3 SOLD 2 million units. http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=12408 Sony had manufacturing problems until late December (right after christmas) but since then, they've been manufacturing in a steady rate. still, 6million is kind of hard to believe, although i wouldn't be surprised if they met that target.
"Sony expects to reach 6 million PS3 units shipped by Mar. 2007."
So Sony has shipped 2 million consoles worldwide but plans on shipping another 4 million in the next 2 weeks?
Even when you include the launch in Europe (consisting of 1 million units) the claim seems utterly ludacris.
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