rahzel54's forum posts
[QUOTE="Buff-McBlumpkin"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]This really is impressive.
On the left, 360, the right, PS3.
Yes, and the 360 version will look IDENTICAL after the patch.
To me, the left picture for the 360 looks more vibrantm and acctually better.
With a 1 year extra time to tweak the game on the PS3, PS3's version sure doesn't look any better at all when you consider all the factors.
ugh...go to monoprice.com that cable you linked sucked and get dual link just incaseCrazy87i don't think monoprice ships overseas and i'm guessing the OP is from the UK (hence his link). the quality of a digital cable doesn't really matter.
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="-GeordiLaForge-"][QUOTE="rykaziel"]If Bethesda had a year to focus solely on optimization with the 360, the comparison would be equal. But they didn't, so it's pointless to argue.-GeordiLaForge-Exactly... like i said, they did NOT have a YEAR to focus on optimization.... READ the interview at spong. Pete Hines said he had a TOTAL of 1 year to work on the ps3 version (well, he said he started working on the ps3 version in March 2006). and most of that time was porting it over... and in the video interview at gamesradar, he specifically says theres only 1-2 of the visual enhancements that they can even possibly be bring over to the 360. theres 2 FACTS that i've proven time and time again in this thread, but you lemmings still can't admit it. Sorry, but the compilers make it "work" on the PS3 without optimization. The devs used the year to optimize the game for the PS3's hardware. And they were focusing solely on the PS3 version, not 2 systems at once. And developer interviews state that the hardware is not what makes it better, it's the extra optimization time. They said that there is not one thing that couldn't be done on the 360. The PS3 version lacks AA, which is definitely a hardware limitation, so you really have no basis for an argument that the PS3 is superior... wow... listen to the interview and it will answer all your questions. the interview was as of feb 14th btw. http://www.gamesradar.com/us/ps3/game/movies/index.jsp?releaseId=20060726163237511007 and again, i didn't say the PS3 is superior FF sakes... don't put words in my mouth. all i'm saying is the ps3 excels at certain things and VICE VERSA. i've said the same thing numerous times, you guys just fail to read my posts correctly and you also fail to read/listen to the articles i post. instead, you keep blabbing on about the SAME things.
[QUOTE="rahzel54"][QUOTE="-GeordiLaForge-"][QUOTE="rykaziel"]If Bethesda had a year to focus solely on optimization with the 360, the comparison would be equal. But they didn't, so it's pointless to argue.aceRebornExactly... like i said, they did NOT have a YEAR to focus on optimization.... READ the interview at spong. Pete Hines said he had a TOTAL of 1 year to work on the ps3 version (well, he said he started working on the ps3 version in March 2006). and most of that time was porting it over... and in the video interview at gamesradar, he specifically says theres only 1-2 of the visual enhancements that they can even possibly be bring overto the 360. theres 2 FACTS that i've proven time and time again in this thread, but you lemmings still can't admit it. And the Sony fans refuse to admit that the ps3 version lacks anti aliasing (AA), even if it’s dead obvious in 720p native screen shoots and confirmed by 1up. If the ps3 hardware is so great, why did they had to remove the AA? who knows when those shots were taken, but these were taken as of this month. http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/showthread.php?t=38405&page=3 i see no aliasing. also, the image someone posted in page 10 was sized down. if you size down an image, it will show more jaggies. if you don't believe me, do it yourself in ms paint. i admit the ps3 lacks HDR + AA and AA comes at a higher cost than the 360's GPU (because of its edram, but this is only valid if were talking about 720p resolution), but where RSX lacks, it makes up for with the ability to work with Cell. listen, i'm not saying the ps3 is superior to the 360. all i'm saying is there are some things the ps3 excel in and vice versa, but both systems are pretty equal in power.
Yeah, price isnt an issue. Dual Link will obviously deliver better graphics, wouldnt it?johnabruzzi123like i said, no it doesn't. the only difference between single and dual link, is dual link is capable of higher resolutions. but again, the highest possible resolution the ps3 can output, is 1920x1080p and a single link cable is capable of 1920x1200. so dual link is capable of more bandwidth, but the ps3 can only deliver so much bandwidth that a single link would suffice. if the dual link is only slightly more (couple of bucks or less) then go for it.
[QUOTE="rykaziel"]If Bethesda had a year to focus solely on optimization with the 360, the comparison would be equal. But they didn't, so it's pointless to argue.-GeordiLaForge-Exactly... like i said, they did NOT have a YEAR to focus on optimization.... READ the interview at spong. Pete Hines said he had a TOTAL of 1 year to work on the ps3 version (well, he said he started working on the ps3 version in March 2006). and most of that time was porting it over... and in the video interview at gamesradar, he specifically says theres only 1-2 of the visual enhancements that they can even possibly be bring over to the 360. theres 2 FACTS that i've proven time and time again in this thread, but you lemmings still can't admit it.
But teh 360...its more powerful.......eeeeehhhhhhh...wrong
Putting asside the fact that the 360 is getting the same graphics patches the PS3 has received...
Go back, chrnoicle the numerous 360/PS3 multiplats which have nearly ALL come back in favor of the 360, and then try to make this silly argument.
no its not... watch the video interview on gamesradar with pete hines (my post a few up)... he specifically says only 1-2 visual enhancements are coming to the 360, and most are exclusive to the ps3 because of its architecture. again, i'm not saying the ps3 owns the 360... but clearly there are things the ps3 excel in, and vice versa. both systems are pretty equal.I have not listened to the discussion you're citing, granted.
Even so...I think you're giving the PS3 way too much credit. Oblivion represents the first of over a handful of titles that even has the POSSIBILITY of looking better than its 360 contemporary.
I don't know how any fair-minded PS3 fan can make an allegation that the PS3 is on equal terms, let alone stronger, than the 360 at this stage.
lmfao.... wow... just, wow. same to you my friend... i don't see how YOU can make an allegation that the 360 is above the ps3, power wise.Sir, have you not seen the reviews for multiplat PS3/360 games? Even games like NBA Street Homecourt were cited as looking better on the 360 (visa vis On the Spot). Does anything on the PS3 look as good as Gears?
This is "how" I can claim that the 360 is more powerful at this stage. It's what you might call "evidence".
typical lemming... you do know that the majority of ps3 launch titles were 360 ports? you do know that the ps3's dev tools are far less mature than the 360s? you do know that ALL the multiplat games that do look better on the 360, dont use anywhere near what the ps3 OR the 360 are capable of? do you honestly think that the ps3 isn't capable of the graphical quality of say, Tony Hawk, when some games on the ps3 are technically and graphically head and shoulders above it? i meant... if it looks and runs worse on the ps3, that must mean that Tony Hawk uses the ps3 to the max, right? please... all this means is the dev tools and dev time were limited and the game was poorly optimized. and not all multiplat games thus far look inferior on the ps3... FNR3 arguably looks better, and now oblivion. once the dev tools for the ps3 mature, well start to see better looking games. honestly, to me, its good news that ps3 games already look nearly the same as 360 games (if not better). the 360 is 1-years old and the ps3 is 3 months old.Well, I appreciate you categorizing me and calling me names. I have yet to make this argument personal.
At any rate, the series of "you do know" statements above are nothing more than excuses. It doesn't matter if its 360 to PS3, Atari 2600 to PC to Xbox to Gamecube to PS3...the bottom line is that these games look and run better on the Xbox 360 regardless of any reasons.
This is concrete evidence to support my claim that the 360 is outperforming the PS3 at this stage. Can you offer the same support for the PS3? How many games look better on the PS3 at this point? You'll find the answer to this question is "not many".
And to point out one last thing--along the lines of the PS3 only being available for three months--this is something that should have worked to the PS3s advantage. Usually, technology which comes out at a later date has some tangible advantage in terms of performance. The bottom line here is that we shouldn't even be having this discussion if everything Sony promised was reality.
i guess only time will tell... obviously i disagree with you, but all this arguing is pointless.
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