belly top. first of all i am not 13 i am 35 yrs old and i dont have a girl i have a wife and i have a son that's probably as old as you are. second of all you probably dont have a job your folks probably bought it for you so stay in your place little boy before you get your feelings hurt. third i didnt make any mistakes in my post to u so learn how to read and i will learn how to spell. now since that is out of the way welcome aboard. happy fathers day to all the fathers in here, i hope you guys had a great weekend. back on the grind at work. i hate mondays lol.
sworder i think you are right i cant find that info online i must have read it wrong. according to rockstar they are releasing excluisive episodes for both systems that will be different on each one and that they would become available sometime in 2008, and they are saying that it will be at least 10 hours of extra gameplay. my mistake on the misinformation fellas. this is an answer to another statement: According to a Rockstar spokesperson, development originally began on the Xbox 360 because earlier development access was available, but it has also been stressed that "there is no target console" and both versions will be technically very similar.
i will try to find it for u in a link. i actually read it in a gameinformer magazine a month or so ago. Sony hasnt got the downloadable content thing going yet. i am not sure why they are waiting, if i can download movies and demos and games( full versions) i dont see why they have to hold me up on downloadable content.
steve did you see the graphics comparison that they did recently here on gamespot. worst pics i have ever seen, they make all the games look they are on last gen systems. fuzzy and washed out. i dont think it proves anything. when is heavenly sword supposed to drop? bear when you gonna break down and get you a next gen system?
what are you talking about? when did i say anything about what version was being showed. what difference does it make which version they are showing for a demo. it just means they are further along on the 360. we have already established that the 360 is easier to program for. i think u might have misdirected that post to me. all i mentioned about GTA4 was that it cant fit on one DVD. as far as anything else i wouldnt know yet. downloadable content i assume is because of Live being up and running already. we wont know the whole story until it is released.
ninja gaiden sigma is the day after the darkness. im telling you dont sleep on this game i played thru the first 2 versions and this is by far the best version to date. and it is even more challenging if you can believe it. if you can deal with the difficulty you are in for a incredible experience.
it is starting to catch its stride. this will be a big holiday season its the first anniversary. PS3 will be 1 year old. and it is getting really hot with the new games they are making( the true next gen games are coming now) for both systems. this is a great time to be a gamer.
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