well after doing alot of searching and reading with a little analysis i have to say i have figured out what is going on in the market contrary to popular belief. PS2 highest seller=lowest price point, Wii 2nd highest seller= 2nd lowest price point, xbox 360= 3rd highest seller= 3rd lowest price point and PS3 4th highest seller= highest price point. does any one see what i see. its the econonmy of today, people dont have the money or security to make big purchases like that right now. ( with jobs and careers as shakey as they are in this country) so the lowest bidder wins is whats going on. i think someone said that Sony may have misjudged the market. i think there is some truth to that. but i also see sony's back up plan the Blueray, it is def winning its little war and that is going to be what eventually saves sony's system. its inevitable the new Media is going Blue ray its officially done they have porn and disney what else do you need to win that market. its easier too identify also which makes it easier for consumers. i dont think sony could justify the price of the PS3 on games alone when the 360 is so similar in that area, needed something else to stand out. it is a slow boil but it is happening. 5.5 million in less than a year thats half of what micrsoft has in 2 years. seems to me like they new what they were doing from jump. and if you really look at the specs on the machines even the core PS3 20GB truly does so much more than the 360 premium and it was only 100 dollars more. i may still get a 360 for Halo 3 i must admit i am a fan, thats the reason i bought a xbox in the first place( Halo special edition clear green console it was sweet looking).
i dont know if that is true i dont think nintendo is outselling sony as a company you just named like ten things that sell all year round. there is no way in hell that a game system sells more than all that combined, are you sure you read that right. if the PS2 is still outselling the Wii how is that possible? thats just one product. if it is true thats pretty impressive. where did u see the info at? can you send me a link i have got to read this myself.
i was going to say that i just read an article last night that shows the PS2 is still outselling everything. this is weird as hell. how with 3 new systems out is the 7 yr old PS2 still selling like this. now i see why sony isnt streesed with the PS3. they have money coming in hand over fist maybe thats why they are taking there time with it. i guess they feel thye have no need to rush. great for them but not so good for us right now. big business is bugged
steve sorry about the superman thing. u said some thing about motion blur, what kind of TV do u have LCD, Plasma projection etc. i have a rear projection HD tV and everything looks like glass on this thing once i go HD its pretty sick i like it though. i havent noticed any motion blur, what size is your tv? NBA 2K7 looks and plays excellent if you cant wait for 2K8. that game gets the most play in my circle and boy does it start some ugly arguments, lol we dont really mess with street that much. but we all play ball in real life so its a little strange with street. i am not sure what looks like crap about 2k7 but that is my opinion. i dont know maybe i knew what i was getting into when i bought a brand new PS3 but i am not having the same issues that i hear everybody complaining about, me and my peoples are loving this thing and we play heavy every weekend. i really didnt expect this much the first few months, i am pleasantly suprised what they have done with the technology in such a short amount of time. i think the media is making all of this bigger than it really is. i enjoy posting with yopu guys but i dont want to argue about what is better any more. i think we have come to a happy medium in here. the 360 has the graphics edge slightly for now and the PS3 has the physics gameplay edge for now. i dont think either is that much different in what they display on screen. everyone in here can agree that pics dont do either of these systems any justice esp when they are running in HD. so lets leave these pics alone.
here is the rest and this is from gamespot if you can believe that. While the single-player campaign looks as solid as it did in the Xbox 360 version, the PS3 version will have exclusive multiplayer maps and game modes not seen in the 360 or PC versions of the game--but we'll cover those in our upcoming multiplayer preview. Rainbow Six Vegas will ship for the PS3 later this month.
i dont remeber who wrote the post about the PS version of R6 vegas but i just read a hands on preview. here is the impression so far: From what we saw of the opening levels, the PS3 version of Vegas is pretty much identical to the Xbox 360 version, not just in gameplay but in visuals as well. Then again, Ubisoft wisely has decided not to fix what was clearly not broken. The modified Unreal Engine 3 graphics engine that powers the game looks unchanged, though the frame rate does seem to struggle a bit more during some of the more intensive scenes. On the plus side, the PS3 version seems to have a bit more physics interactions built into it, as we saw more objects react to explosions and gunfire.
that was tough but informative. i still have to say i havent seen any framerate issues in the games i have been playing except maybe FEAR but that wasnt that good of a job. and the whole shader thing if the 360 is so much better at it than the PS3 how come those 3 things ( shaders, framerate and textures) how come oblivion was better at all three? no beef just asking. maybe you can explain it to me since you seem like you have a pretty good grasp on the technology.
hey guys can you tone it down a little with the tech stuff. the rest of us would like to follow where you guys are going with this but you guys are REALLY getting technical. if you cant make your points without it i understand, just asking so we can enjoy to.
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