reeco411's comments

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Edited By reeco411

bear i will have to chalk that up to us having different taste. i personally feel this is one of the best tactical FPS ever made, and the graphics are quite realistic on standard and HD. peoples opinions can really be bugged out sometimes, how we can both see the same game so differently. sorry if you didnt like it but i stand on my opinion the game is f***ing amazing. i never got shot through a wall yet. steve i got RB6, Ninja Gaiden SIgma, and The Darkness recently. love all three of them. the darkness reminds me of Chronicles of Riddck: Escape from Butcher Bay( which by the way they are remaking and it looks damn good. and to the rest of the bias posters in here. everyone keeps conveniently forgetting the fact that the PS3 hasnt been out a year yet so all the bashing and garbage talking means absolutley squat. 360 got its first hot title 1 year after launch and that was supposed to be a launch title. both systems had about the same games there first year out so why in your opinions does that make the 360 better than the PS3. please the 360 had a way worse first year than the PS3 did and thats fact not opinion, so stop the witch hunt if you cant afford it thats your problem but to talk so much unwarranted and untrue sh*t is straight stupid. all the talk about no games and this that and the third is all BS. the bottom line is this: nobody and i mean nobody knows waht the PS3 is capable of and most are intimidated by the hardware. so stop acting like you are coders or programmers and you know everything cause you dont. opinions are one thing lies are something else all together. and by the way how many 360 games do most of you own, i have 19 PS3 games that are all great except for ICON ( i really hate that game) so come with some new arguments because the old ones arent holding any water. so whats your next point.

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Edited By reeco411

hey fellas Resistance was 16GB's and that was a launch game. i guess it comes down to data compression and how well they use it. i think exclusives will def take up more space since they know they have it. if they didnt have the space they will find ways to compress it.

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Edited By reeco411

ok Steve i will. thats a good movie. Bear get RB6 it is F-ing insane getset what up man, how you been?

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Edited By reeco411

damn thats beat

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Edited By reeco411

bear did u ever think of using a USB flash drive to do your updates. you could go somewhere that has decent bandwith and download it to your flashdrive and then just install the update on your PS3

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Edited By reeco411

they are talking about putting crysis on the PS3. that game looks phenominal i have neevr seen anything like it ( not even gears of war looks that good. ) man the next gen is kind of scary with the stuff they are figuring out. we are all going to loose our social lives real soon. i have managed to balance this for years but now i dont know if i can keep away from these games. they are looking so good. for all the 360 fans i am speaking of the 360 also so dont trip. lol

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Edited By reeco411

what is the frequency of those color changes i though it was seasonal or when u did an update. yeah this color is wack. i actually liked the black and white one. the rose wasnt to bad either ( wifey liked that one alot ). did u see the reviews for RB6vegas. they gave it a 9.0 instead of a 9.1, if it looks and plays exactly the same and comes with all the expansion pack stuff, why do u give it a lower score. i dont understand gamespot sometimes. i think it is a triple A title and they need to let everyone play cross platform online so us PS3 troops can dust off some of you PC and 360 troops. lol thats right "challenge"....

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Edited By reeco411

here we go again the same old post. 360 is better and PS3 cost more. if you dont like take it back and get the 360 then since you THINK it is so much better.

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Edited By reeco411

darkness is good to. RB6 is more tactical like real life and the cover mechanics are some of the best yet. darkness is more of a fantasy shooter. the thing that made choose RB6 over Darkness was 2 player co-op. me and my boy Furee kill sh*t together in those type of games so that got me. either way u will be having fun.

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Edited By reeco411

rainbow six vegas is great. just picked it up yesterday. bear grab that one, it is fun as hell. adn they 2 player co-op. i will be messing with this one for a minute. i will hunting online soon.