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Edited By reeco411

it is getting real technical isnt it. they are digging deep now, i like it though you will learn more about the systems with post like that instead of the usual poking that happens. stick around and see what pops up. hey what happened to Chad and Getset?

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Edited By reeco411

all the 360 can do really well is push the graphics. i think thats why alot of people say it is a Xbox1.5 or just an upgrade. i dont know we will have to see what the programmers can squeeze out of the 360. the PS3 has a much higher ceiling on what it is capable of, but that wont mean anything if the programmers dont learn how to use it efficiently. i think the 360 will eventually be limmited by its hardware.

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Edited By reeco411

bravo AvotC bravo. we are finally getting to some real sh*t in here. now thats what i am talking about. sworder i have read a few articles about how each system handles physics engines and the PS3 is def more powerful in that regard. they have said that the 360 cant even use a real havoc engine. a GPU is a Graphics Processing Unit geared towards Graphics and...... i dont even feel like going into all this right now.

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Edited By reeco411

ok thanks

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Edited By reeco411

sworder, Home will be alot more than just something to look at, you can believe that. how is the set up for the 360 as far as downloading? how is it easier, or do mean faster? i have never used live for a download before but i am trying to figure out why Sony is dragging there feet on this matter. not trying to dis you this is a real question.

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Edited By reeco411

steve i think i saw The Hulk on HDDVD at best buy, i am not sure about Batman Begins but it might be out now. yeah watching Primeval was like looking out a window it look so real you think u can touch the actors or anything else you see on screen, i am impressed with Blueray. the newer movies do look alot better. wait until this becomes the standard for movies, sworder u should try getting into the movie thing its not to bad if you have the right set up. if you have a PS3 grab a blueray and check it out. i dont know what kind of flicks u r into but DeJaVu is a good movie to start with, great looking and a great movie, open your horizons u never know.

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Edited By reeco411

getsetgo thanks for the support. he is new and he doesnt know any better yet. u have to earn the right to dis people on this post page. that was just my little welcome to him. he obviously thinks we are all minors or something, heads up there are alot of gamers that arent teenagers.

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Edited By reeco411

i heard the same thing about the graphics processor. but from what the techs say it is not a significant difference, i know i cant tell the difference right now they look almost identical out side of some special effects. i dont think either system has shown its cards yet on what they can do. it will come down to the programers and there knowledege of optimising graphics and effects. and fro anyone who cares to know, i found out that not to many companies will be doing the exclusive thing because the production cost are so high, so they need as many sales as possible to cover the loss. neither system has a big enough installed base to really warrant exclusives at this point. MS is closer to reaching that goal because they have a larger installed base. in a year or two the exclusives will be more common because the companies will be able to get there money back with one system right now its to sketchy for them.

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Edited By reeco411

when did that take place? i didnt know that. wow i am glad i use blue ray, because Blockbuster is right across the street. i can still have my convenient blue ray shopping and renting. the name is to similar to DVD it is confusing the public. a month or so ago i was in line at Blckbtr and i overheard this guy fusing at the clerk about hddvd, he thought that just because he had an HDTV that his DVD player would play HDDVD's . blueray sounds different so it gets less confusion. i have both Pirates movies on blueray they look pretty good. i noticed a lot more detail and the color pops pretty good. the problem i have with Blueray is that a lot of employees at department stores no nothing about them. there are always like whats that. i also picked up Primeval on Blueray it looks incredible(better than Pirates which is a transfer to blueray). superman returns is the best looking blueray so far( it was filmed in 1080p High Def for the IMAX screen in New York- 80 footer), it looks ridiculous but the movie sucks.

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Edited By reeco411

bioshock looks F***ing sick. i cant wait for a PS3 version.