@playstationzone: as great as the Uncharted series is I'd rather see something new. We already have 5 Uncharted games, if you count Lost Legacy. I'm a fan of action adventure games but they have to have some ideas that could take place outside of the Uncharted series.
Cool. Wonder if this means we won't see any new game announcements during their conference or if they are making these announcements early to save time during the show, perhaps for other game announcements.
This is at least proof that Sony has more in store for gamers other than the "Big 4" games they are focusing on for their conference. Interested in seeing what these games turn out to be.
It's one of the few things every year that makes me feel like a kid again. E3 doesn't always deliver but I'm always excited for potential surprises and reveals. You never know what new IP, sequel, reboot, console, accessory/peripheral, etc will be announced that you just can't wait for. Hope this year is one to remember.
@gamingdevil800: "Bethesda's fanbase is pretty cancerous and jump to conclusions"
I think that could be said of perhaps culture and society in general these days, largely thanks to social media. People see something, have a knee jerk reaction, and have to immediately express their opinion which seems to typically be negative and critical.
@sagittarius476: when Visceral shut down any realistic hope of a new Dead Space all but died but crazy things have happened in the world of gaming and entertainment. The only thing that slightly gives me hope is that Battlefield Hardline had a Dead Space Easter egg so maybe there is a chance Dice or another branch of EA picks up the series. But like you said, not much hope in EA delivering the experience we would want. It's a shame because I feel like the demand for survival horror games has grown over the years and Dead Space would get a lot of people excited.
There are some sequels I wouldn't mind seeing, especially for games that we haven't seen in awhile (like splinter cell) but I'm more excited for the possibility of new IPs. Something like Gears 5 isn't getting me excited. I'd prefer to see something new.
@badboyfx86: that would be pretty dope. Have to imagine Rocksteady is working on something and you have to assume it's DC related. They've been pretty quiet since Arkham Knight released so this could be a perfect time to announce a new game.
@Deckard2323: I think most gamers don't mind because of CDPR track record. There games almost always deliver in terms of quality, content, and support. It's a reason people loved Witcher 3 despite the game launching with a decent amount of bugs and glitches (ranging from save file issues, frame rate problems, certain missions causing problems, or your standard weird glitches like floating objects and such). CDPR seems to always be upfront with fans and customers. Don't think anyone could accuse them of being lazy or not caring.
@Xristophoros: the included games will be a big selling factor for me. N64 had a lot of classic games but some of my personal favorites weren't First party Nintendo games. Really curious what games will be included (assuming it's real).
On a related note I'd love to see Sony do some sort of PlayStation Classic (more for PS2 than PS1). Whether its an actual console release like Nintendo has done or just a Classic Pack game like Sega recently released, Id be cool either way. Though I really should just go out and buy a PS2. Some older games I've been wanting to revisit, just don't want it to be something I play for 10 minutes and never touch again.
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