Looks ok, the movement animations when she was climbing the wall, seemed...off?
I just hope parts of AC3's story, don't lead on from Aveline's and Connor's meeting up though, i can't stand that kind of story telling. A story of a game should be completely inclusive inside that one game, if you need to go buy another game to understand, or get explanation of plot elements, then the story has failed :/
First time i've actually watched one of these video's form this video series, and actually they are pretty good. I might even give XCOM: Enemy Unknown a try, as i've always been a fan of strategy games.
@green_scorpion I don't support EA, i hate what they have done with a lot of games i like (rushing DA2 to make a quarterly report look better was just shiity).
But blind hatred is useless. If EA makes some very good games in the future, they deserve to be commended, and talk of 'five new IP's' in the works, makes me have a little hope.
If EA came around to all their houses, and gave them a cheque for £100 randomly, they'd still come on here and say they didn't give them enough.
Saying that, there is some very valid criticism of EA. Like the destruction of Mythic by EA's hand, or the way EA pulls Bioware's strings at every given opportunity, so they can pump out games to either: make quarterly reports look better(Dragon age 2 scenario), force a tact on, very low quality multi-player to fund micro-transactions.(ME3 scenario).
huh, something that isn't pure gibberish, or menacingly evil, coming from a EA exec, odd.
If EA can still make new IP's and fund new, creative, games in this industry, i'll happily start buying their products again. Blind hatred is useless and proves nothing, if EA does something good, they will, and deserve, to be commended on it.
But still, it's a very big 'if', if they can actually make good new games.
After the cramped and claustrophobic feeling, yet very fun, Shogun 2, I can't wait to get to play in a much larger campaign map. It offers much more variety between different playthroughs i feel and offers more re-playability.
That, and the combination between naval and land battles (finally!!) and much more improvements, graphically and gameplay wise, this is a straight up pre-order for me, no hesitations at all. (though i may need to upgrade, or crossfire my card o.0)
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