As a playstation owner I love the backwards compatibility announcement from Microsoft. This industry is always about matching and exceeding your opponents efforts. I have to believe, maybe not tonight, but at some point soon sony will reveal some sort of backwards compatibility of their own. And knowing them they'll try to "one up" Microsoft and make their version even better
sixringz1's forum posts
Naughty dog has NEVER made a bad game on a playstation console. Some may be better than others but the worst naughty dog game is like going to the playboy mansion and hooking up with the "worst looking playmate". There's no such thing. Naughty dog doesn't make bad games
Is there a reason you didn't include the 8 bit and 16 bit sales numbers? Did you just start it from when sony entered the console race? Cause forget sales (although they were great), the 2 best nintendo home consoles were the nes and snes, and they're not listed
Ah the topic that is a clever disguise to show how old you are. Lol, I'll bite. The original Super mario brothers for me
Can you vote for nothing? At least thus far. This has been the worst yr in gaming I can remember in a long time. I know it's a new console generation and that usually means very few top notch titles in the first yr, But normally you can get one or two AAA's. Just haven't seen that yet
Beating mike Tyson in Tyson's punch out. And still being able to pick up a controller and consistently beat him to this very day. Still only witnessed with my own eyes one other person beat him
Mike Tyson's punch out is, and always will be my favorite game of all time. I can aknowledge it's not the best overall game ive ever played, but it's still my favorite
So let me get this right. super mario brothers 3 and the original legend of zelda are nowhere to be found on a TOP 100 LIST? Really? This may be a sign that I'm getting too old to be looking at lists like this. Arguably the most recognizable, influential and iconic console of all time has ONE game on the list. Think I'll go sit on my rocking chair and talk about the weather cause I'm obviously an old man when it comes to these type of lists. Lol
first time in my entire life that I've heard someone say Aladdin on snes was the superior version. Whether it be professional reviews, gamer's preferences or sales numbers, they all favored the genesis. But hey that's your opinion
I'm kind of confused here. This series has been around for 7 yrs. there have been countless videos and posts on this series. I'm confused as to how you didn't know what you were getting into. With that being said, if you don't like the first one there's no need to play the rest. Sure 2 is a superior game but the foundation and template is the same
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