Lol. Man you can really tell the age group of these boards with this post
sixringz1's forum posts
Serious question. With all the layoffs in these major studios as well as layoffs within the game media, is this industry in trouble? I mean I used to watch adam sessler for all my game info and reviews and he just abruptly quit the whole "video game journalist" business. This just doesn't look good
Serious question. Do you all think playstation now will be successful? I mean, I know it may take a while to get the bugs fixed and for everything to work right. But will that even matter if nobody is interested in the first place?
Mike Tyson in mike Tyson's punch out
I don't own a ps4 yet so I haven't been keeping up with this. Can someone answer me this. Is playstation now STRICTLY a rental service? Or can u buy games
I don't own a ps4 yet and therefore haven't been keeping up to date with all the details of playstation now, so forgive me if this is "common knowledge", but is playstation now STRICTLY a rental service? Will you be able to actually purchase any of these games for good? Thanks
I know 2 and 3 are better but am I the only one who is having trouble finding 100 games better than uncharted drakes fortune? I mean come on. Not even on the list. That's the one that jumped out to me the most
I just saw yesterday that the company "Analogue" is making a high end retro NES console (it's been all over the tech websites). This got me thinking, why don't the actual companies of said consoles make retro consoles? Is it cost, demand, etc?
I see nike releasing retro Jordan's every other week and they are raking in the cash from that. The demand for the retro's are higher than the new products.
Why wouldn't nintendo release an OFFICIAL nes, snes, n64 retro system? Or sega with the genesis and master system, etc? Any thoughts
I always enjoy these types of threads cause 95% of the time you can tell a person's age simply by the games they list. There are always exceptions but most of the time that's the case. I'll go super mario 3. Yea I'm in my early 30's
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