Man games are easy these days. There's no penalty for dying. Back in the nes days you had to "fear" starting over if you died. Not anymore. Whole lot easier these days
sixringz1's forum posts
Sort of a side question here. This is now the second major person from the uncharted 4 team to leave in the last month. Do you think that has anything to do with the news from yesterday that the last of us will be re-released for the ps4? Those type of updated remakes generally don't happen that fast. Do you think naughty dog is going to have to delay Uncharted 4 and THAT is why they are releasing the last of us? Or am I just reaching?
Prob a madden game back in the ps2 days. They all got such high reviews every yr during that time (not anymore) that I would just buy it without reading any reviews.
@happyduds77: 100% agree. The knock on uncharted 3 isn't so much the game itself, it's that it really does nothing to elevate it over uncharted 2. It was more of the same. The jump from the first uncharted to the second was FAR GREATER than the jump from the 2nd to 3rd
@millerlight89: sure for some games I agree. But other games, like the before mentioned Tyson's punch out, they wanted to make that hard as hell. Nobody could beat him in real life back then, they were gonna make him nearly impossible to beat in the game as well. And they certainly weren't gonna just let you rematch him over and over again (unless you use the code. That's a whole diff issue).
Will never happen unless they CHOOSE to do so. Worst case scenerio is they go 3rd party. Their primary games have been, and always will be quality. If there's a Microsoft or Sony gamer out there that says they wouldn't be intrigued at the idea of playing mario or Zelda games on a playstation or xbox console, they're lying to you. if they are "too proud" to ever do that and just step away, that would be the only way I could see it. If they want to be around, they'll be way or another
The one thing I miss from games many years ago is the difficulty. Back in the nes days you REALLY had to earn it if you were to beat a game. There weren't "unlimited" lives like there are today.
Use a game like Tyson's punch out for example. If you're good enough to make it to Tyson you're prob gonna get beat the first time. Then it will take you back to the fighter before. You have to beat him again to get the rematch with Tyson. Lose again and it's OVER. Done. Start over from the beginning. It meant something to beat a game back then.
I love the uncharted games, but I remember spending an hour on one part while playing on "crushing" difficulty. I must have died 50 times. But it was no big deal cause I knew I could start right from that same spot over and over again.
The sense of accomplishment isn't the same. But other than that I really enjoy the games of today. And I'm in my early 30's so I've been at this a while
I have an original NES to this day strictly for mike Tyson's punch out. Don't own another game for the system. If it was on the virtual console if get it, but it's not. And I know that "punch out" is the same as "Tyson's punch out" with the exception of mr dream instead of Tyson. But that's the whole game to me. There's something about beating Tyson that can't be matched by beating some fictional boss like mr dream.
That is my only classic console. Don't think I'd do it nowadays. At least not while the console is relatively new. Too expensive. Would feel like a waste
Hope we get 2 more free games like we did last time. I played little big planet and infamous for hours on end thanks to their mishap
I guess it was about 3 years ago when psn had that issue where it was shut down for a while and people's info got out. If you remember, as a compensation of sort they offered 2 games to download for free. I downloaded 2 even though I wasn't really interested in any of the games being offered. Played one never played the other. The game appeared on my trophy list when I downloaded it despite the fact I've never played it. My question is, are games like that "deletable" from your trophy list. Or once they're downloaded they're there for good no matter what. Thanks
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