sixringz1's forum posts
That seems really reasonable because i know there is alot of scammers and i have had my own share but will it damage/effect the value in any way ? (thanks for you're advice.) retroplayer23No not at all. Don't remove any of the contents or plastic From the styrofoam. Console, controllers, wires, etc. just slide the styrofoam out of the box. Contents should be in their proper place wrapped in plastic. Take one pic of the contents to prove what's in the box and that everything is still wrapped in original plastic, placed in the right compartments and that everything is there (including paperwork), then slide it back in and you'll be good to go. If you do decide to put it up on eBay let us know. Post a link cause I'm curious to see the condition myself, as well as its value. Good luck
ok guys i was discussing this with a youtuber and he's all about retro/vintage collecting he has nearly everything, i think he stopped his console collection for a while because he nearly has them all so he is collecting all the games and you can check his videos he is serious anyways i talked to him and he said i don't need to open it if it's really brand new.Will people believe what i put on eBay or should i take a peak just to check i didn't get ripped and hopefully the buyer?retroplayer23Sorry but I disagree with your friend 100%. And if you want my credentials, I used to be a collector as well. I don't have a YouTube channel. You'll just have to take my word for it. I've been a buyer/seller on eBay for 11 yrs. a good chunk of that time has been spent dealing with video games. And I can tell you now i would NEVER, I repeat, NEVER, buy a console without seeing pics of THE ACTUAL CONSOLE. You could have god knows what in that box and tell me what you want. Unless the item is sealed, which your system IS NOT, because SNES boxes dont come sealed. you have to show pics. You don't have to take the contents out of the plastic or twist ties. You just gotta show what's in the box. Just like the eBay auction link posted above. Very easy to see its new with zero doubts that the system is new
[QUOTE="sixringz1"][QUOTE="retroplayer23"]thanks man i think i'm going to sell it on eBay if you're interested make me an offer !;)Stinger78You will have to take pics of the contents in the box to prove its new. Old console boxes like the nes, snes and n64 aren't sealed so there is no seal to break that would ruin the value by taking it out of the box to make sure all the plastic is still there. Instruction manuals and posters as well. Trust me, I used to be a "collector". U can't sell the system as new on eBay and supply pictures of just the box and expect to get top dollar. If It was a sealed product that's one thing, but since snes boxes don't come sealed you have to take pics of the contents in the box This one seems to be a decent price, and a good example of having 'content pics' Absolutely. That is a brand new system. Actually not the worst price. A snes in that condition with that detailed of pictures usually goes for 500+. If the OP console looks like that. All sealed in smooth, NOT WRINKLED, plastic (wrinkled plastic means its been opened. Can't wrinkle plastic with a console inside it). If its like that then he should get a lot more than 140 for it
thanks man i think i'm going to sell it on eBay if you're interested make me an offer !;)retroplayer23You will have to take pics of the contents in the box to prove its new. Old console boxes like the nes, snes and n64 aren't sealed so there is no seal to break that would ruin the value by taking it out of the box to make sure all the plastic is still there. Instruction manuals and posters as well. Trust me, I used to be a "collector". U can't sell the system as new on eBay and supply pictures of just the box and expect to get top dollar. If It was a sealed product that's one thing, but since snes boxes don't come sealed you have to take pics of the contents in the box
The Wii U is.[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"][QUOTE="LegatoSkyheart"]
because CLEARLY Nintendo is dying.
and that's apparently enough to warrant Nintendo to go third party?
come on now this is system wars. You know how these ridiculous things go. It was the same at the ps3 launch. "Too expensive, no games, they'll never recover. They need to just get out now and go software only". Blah blah blah. Now look at the playstation 3 and the hype of the ps4. System wars is the king of overreacting. The wii u will take it on the chin this gen there's no doubt about that. But Nintendo will regroup and come out with something good the next time around. Just like the GameCube bombed which lead to the wii. Wasn't a fan of the wii but can't deny it's success[QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"]Sessler's video reviews with Rev3 are excellent. His Bioshock Infinite review sold me on the game. said it earlier. Sessler is the only review i care about. It goes in this order: My opinion> Sessler's opinion>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else's. But for the sake of "system wars" this thread has been entertainingSesslers video review was fantastic, this game looks so damn fun! holy crap.
I can't buy it anytime soon however, so lame.
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