Far too expensive for the tvs at the moment,and I for one,don't want to sit around in Stupid glasses all night-I hate having to wear my glasses for driving!!Since famous movies has gone 3D and attracted more than the whole wide world gaming also thought that they could step up to make it in the cut. But alot is not that thrilled about this 3D gaming because of huge costing and the distraction it'll take while playing the game. The new 3D games are mostly shown in Nintendo and Sony conference. Well in shown of Nintendo you don't need glasses to look at the 3D feature but the hole in that concept is to buy another DS which is named the 3DS. PS3 and Nintendo gaming is going to go to the next generation of gaming but do you think it should keep on going or go out.
sizzlingdviper's forum posts
everyone thinks im a troll because im having a stroke of bad luck with my ps3??
Says the level 4 with a Gears of War pic for his avatar.
Nah-It does happen to the PS3-Believe me-I used to get the very same loud noise when playing some PS2 discs on my 1st 60Gb PS3.Yea-I think it's most likely a slightly warped dvd disc-i've also had the same on my 120GB-Purchased in Feb-PS3.But i sometimes notice the very same when ripping cds to the hard drive.it works fine when i insert a game or a bluray, but when i insert an ordinary DVD, it goes haywire, and it sounds like a chainsaw. its is also a PS3 slin 120gb model. it got about 2 months ago.
Yea-My 120Gb slim has crashed several times-twice while trying to post a comment on FacebookHey everyone..So my 80gb old model ps3 got yellow lighted yesterday and since I got it back in 07 my warranty is up and I have to pay $189 to fix it. I was thinking about just buying a slim if they're reliable. This is my 2nd time having my 80gb crash..so i kind want to replace it. So have you guys had any trouble with your slim?
either games u haved or gonna preorder. free me is i aready have preordered NHL 11, Gran truismo 5, madden 11, ncaa football 11, gonna preorder soon Fallout New Vegas, F.3.A.R, the sims 3, assassin's creed brotherhood, NBA Elite 11 and some 360 gamesprimetime08865
I dont pre-order anything anymore,as i've found you get better deals by shopping around on launch days!
It's already passed the PS2 in many ways-Online play,community,blu ray,graphics,storage medium,friends chat,dvd upscaling,wallpapers,screensavers,browser-Just a few things to think about!... Nope. :(
wWhy get a used one? Aren't new ones pretty cheap now? Why inherit someone problems?
Well here in UK a new PS2 is as rare as rocking horse crap-Unless you want to pay around £120-approx. $165
Yea go ahead and buy one-I bought a Fat PS2 and a slim one-both cheap on ebay and both run great.Hi. Im wondering if I should buy a ps2 again. I accidently sold my other one a year ago (worst decision of my life). But now i really have the urge to play some PS2 games. I always wnated to play Kingdom Hearts, Grand Theft Auto, Final Fantasy, etc..i might get a used ps2 to play in my room during summer nights. Do you guys think i should get one?
i can get a fat one for 40 bucks on ebay right now.
I have never personally paid more than £40 for any game-PS3 or 360,you obviously aren't shopping around.Maybe this should be a blog post , but i'll post it here . 70 bucks for a game is too much . A blu-ray costs 30 bucks . A PS3 game should be 40 quids . Sales of consoles AND software would rise skyhigh . I know games are expensive to make , but70 bucks is just too much . Discuss....
I recently bought Uncharted 2 in mint condition-£20.00,Modern Warfare 2-when it was released for £26.00,and every other PS3 game i own for £20 or less.
I think cos eventually Sony will make available a full catologue of downloadable,to purchase,PS2 games on Playstation store-It'll be a great moneyspinner for them.And,of course,they'd have been adapted to run on any PS3 with built in emulation.I know everyone wants it. Why did they have to remove it? I don't get it. :(
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