@Poison-tooth @snakebite6x6x6 I'm not saying it was a bad game...and I did enjoy the combat.
I just didn't like the hand holding linearity. I miss the exploration the open world map offered. I miss heading to a remote island with no purpose to the main story only to be swallowed up by a giant worm and picking up a new character (FFVI), or running into a tough little cactus (cactuar) that you could transform into a ribbon(FFVII).
Oh, and Tidus also made me want to punt a puppy, the whiny little puke....:S
And here I thought XIII (and it's sequels) were the bottom of the barrel.
Eh, no matter....I haven't really loved a FF game since IX. I hated X...XII was better...but not great, and XIII became the first game in the main series that I haven't finished to this day. I hate the linearity, and I hate the combat (of XIII).
And the voice acting made me cringe....not RE1 cringe...but rather...I wanted to reach into my TV and choke the life out of Snow...punch the whiny little puke of a kid (whose name I cannot even remember at this point)...and curb stomp the red head.
I would rather read the dialog...at least then I can imagine a personality that doesn't make me want to punch babies.
@oarix I can relate, in a manner of speaking. I could care less about streaming video, and I love to pick up all the game systems of a generation...
I prefer the xbox controller, but a system that will not allow me to lend my friends games...or borrow from them...I simply will not buy.
As for online play I could care less as well, I only game online with my pc. I can't stand playing shooters on a console..and that will not change anytime soon.
I watched the video to give me an idea which console I will pick up first...but I come away from it knowing which console I will not buy at all.
Keep in mind I have nothing against Microsoft, they have simply designed a console that is no longer for me. And seeing how the Wii left such a sour taste in my mouth...I'm not sure I will pick up a Wii-U this gen either..but time will tell on that one.
@ForceofNature9 Honestly I had more fun with the first Assassin's creed than any of the sequels (although 2 was a better crafted game, I couldn't stand the protagonist).
snakebite6x6x6's comments