@puukusa @Deathstroke_69 Honestly the only thing that even has me leaning towards a PS4 first is the price tag. I will eventually have them both, but I have learned my lessons a long time ago about buying a system at launch.
I would love the option to not participate in any of this.
I have steam for games, nothing more. I don't care about having a profile, I don't care about levels, I don't care about badges, and I especially don't care about trading cards.
For those that like that kind of stuff, good for you. But for those of us who don't, we should have an option to not participate.
Even if I could just delete the damn things (cards) out of my inventory, or turn off the stupid leveling system...meh...it has me looking at other platforms for my gaming fix.
@M3o5nster Heh, what makes demon's souls scary is the fact that even the most mundane enemy can kill you if you are not careful.
I will likely get flamed for this, but I didn't find either Demon's Souls or Dark Souls as difficult as many people claim it is, but then I have been gaming for a very long time, and I grew up in the era when games were made difficult to prolong play time.
@ANUBISZER0 I loved them up to 4, and I enjoyed 5 for what it was, an action game.
Mikami is correct though, out of all the REs I have played (1-4 Code veronica, RE0, and RE5) none compare to the first one for me, both in terms of suspense and scare factor.
snakebite6x6x6's comments