@sammoth @NoblesseOblige_ I find that the communities on most games and game sites have gotten worse over the years....gotta love the courage that anonymity gives people eh.
@Trickymaster It IS juvenile to personally attack someone for having a different opinion than you do, period.
And then in your post your first point is that Gamespot took 10% off the score for "misogyny and political blabla". Yet your third point states that "Scores are for attention hos".
@ChaoticLucidity I am also a strong believer in a "scoreless" review style.
Hell, a simple thumbs up or thumbs down would work for me...with maybe a sidebar that gives some + and/or - to certain points that stick out in the game.
@hinzkunz So....Gamespot uses Feedbackula to "act childish and pissed" by reading comments that are ...well.. "childish and pissed" by readers who cannot make an intelligent argument, and instead have to rage all over a comment board because they didn't like the opinion of the person who wrote a review?
@Born_Lucky Funny how you mention that Gamespot cannot take criticism....especially in this case, where hoards of lowbrow knuckle-draggers went up in arms because of criticism of a video game.
@Qixote @Draconarius Honestly, rating games with a numerical score is a horrible idea in the first place. Considering that a review is just the opinion of the critic who writes it.
Getting pissy over a review score is just this side of completely retarded. If you like the game play it, if not ....don't play it. It's quite simple really.
I do recall an article a little while back that discussed the correlation between fanboys and poor self-esteem....
@3v1LR0n1N @heythurmanz Considering that the maps used to be available for FREE in previous versions of the game, I would still call it "nickle and diming".
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