@CagedOkami You must seem to think that there is only one reviewer on this site, or perhaps everbody on the site comes to a consensus on what the review will contain before they publish it.
Each review is the opinion of the writer, and if something bothered her, it is her JOB to write about it.
Her review didn't exactly hurt sales. I doubt anybody read it and said "screw that game for their portrayal of women". Hell, it received an editor's choice award. I would go so far as to say that her review likely had ZERO effect on people's experiences with the game.
This whole deal with the GTAV review is just another example of why I don't like numerical rating systems.
When a 9 out of 10 causes the dregs of the gaming community to launch personal attacks on the reviewer....well...it casts a poor light on gamers in general.
It just goes back to the saying "anonymity + the internet = total douchbag".
For me invasions only add annoyance. Therefore I played in hollowed form, and the few times I was in human form and I got invaded I would just disconnect and reconnect my ethernet cable...
As for the game itself, I have never found them to be stressful, as I am always too busy enjoying myself.
I play the souls games for the dark atmosphere, lore, and challenge of the NPC enemies...not to fight other players....
I don't want to see invasions removed for the game or anything of that nature, just perhaps a check box in the options to enable/disable participation in PvP. Then those that love it can love it...and those of us that don't, won't have to worry about it.
The only thing I don't like about it is the chance of being invaded while hollowed. As someone who doesn't PvP in these types of games an offline mode would be appreciated...
It's not a deal breaker though, as I have enough networking knowledge to prevent the game from going online..
Unless of course, this game requires you to be online to play at all.....that WOULD be a deal breaker.
snakebite6x6x6's comments