swamprat_basic's forum posts
[QUOTE="Bread_or_Decide"][QUOTE="_vacant_"]they will shrug and say "meh, its not like it was a good game anyway"
and go play something entertaining._vacant_
Not likely.
so instead they will all return their wiis and boycott nintendo indefinitly because a 3rd party dev decided not to port a highly overrated game to the wii.
youre so right.
Well, he's actually more "right" than you. GTA is literally the most popular game franchise in the world. To say that the release of the next version in the series will have absolutely no effect on the choices of casual gamers reflects, plain and simple, nincompoopery.
ok let me try to deduce this quandry. so if the textures according to some from those pics are the same as the video footage, and the video footage looks stunning, who cares about the textures? im sure the story will be sick as its one of the more "original" ideas out there imo. im also one for gameplay over visuals for the most part.DesmondPills
I don't think the textures have ever looked quite razor sharp. The character models have always looked about the same detail level as a game like "Doom 3", but the art design has always been top notch. The graphics look impressive, but not amazing. But it's coming from the makers of System Shock 2, so who gives a @#$% about graphics? System Shock 2 had downright lousy graphics, but it was still one of the best games ever made.
[QUOTE="swamprat_basic"][QUOTE="nextgengaming18"][QUOTE="swamprat_basic"][QUOTE="FWWILLKILLSM"]Does it matter seeing that Blue-Ray won already!?nextgengaming18
Actually, I think HD-DVD is now expected to be the standard accepted by most consumers.
ARe you sure? THe sales of blu-ray discs are 4:1 more then hd-dvd discs, red light district lion head stuidos, buena vista, and columbioa picture are making exclusive movies for blu-ray, while only paramount is the only exclusive hd-dvd movies.
It's 4:1 because of the PS3, which everybody knew were going to sell out. HD-DVD is a lot cheaper than Blu-Ray, has more consumer friendly copy-protection, and it has the porn industry on its side.
red light district is porn... Biggest porn distributor..
Isn't Vivid Entertaiment supposed to be the largest porn studio? It's supporting both formats. I'm no expert on the matter.
Price is going to be the major deciding factor in the format. Once most consumers start catching onto the HDTV craze, which hasn't happened yet and won't happen for a while, the decisions is going to come down to what's cheaper. That is how most consumers think, and why Wal-Mart is the king of retailers. Unless Blu-Ray can come down significantly in price, it's not going to last.
[QUOTE="swamprat_basic"][QUOTE="FWWILLKILLSM"]Does it matter seeing that Blue-Ray won already!?nextgengaming18
Actually, I think HD-DVD is now expected to be the standard accepted by most consumers.
ARe you sure? THe sales of blu-ray discs are 4:1 more then hd-dvd discs, red light district lion head stuidos, buena vista, and columbioa picture are making exclusive movies for blu-ray, while only paramount is the only exclusive hd-dvd movies.
It's 4:1 because of the PS3, which everybody knew were going to sell out. HD-DVD is a lot cheaper than Blu-Ray, has more consumer friendly copy-protection, and it has the porn industry on its side.
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