@max-hit True, but more focus on the less important factors can take away from the necessary ones like the gameplay. That's what's been happening lately. Too many developers are either overhauling graphics to compensate for their game's lack of playability, or they spend too much effort on making the graphics prettier and can't follow through with the gameplay.
@sephirothsfan02 Sakaguchi left of his own will, so unfortunately that's not going to happen. But THIS news is great. Yoichi wada was the reason SE kept whoring out the FF name with constant spinoffs; even if some of them were really good, it still wasn't worth it to do it.
@alrepairs @swyg @Orion_Pimpdaddy If you have an opinion on anything, you are defaulted to be biased. There is no objective standard. There are standards that people create....gaming website standards..but those standards are created by a singular perspective like any other opinion, therefore biased. It's not bad or good, it just is.
@Misfitgraves18 @Wula_ *facepalm* There's no such thing as a standard for journalism or opinions. Try to be as objective as you want, you won't get there; because trying to be objective regarding an entertainment medium is still not objective (because it doesn't exist). Trying to stay with the pack (assuming Carolyn gave this game a score around the metacritic score) doesn't mean you have an objective standard either.
@ceromaster @MooncalfReviews Depends on what you want for a plot. There are so many games that take themselves way too seriously these days....and if I had to guess, the reason why people still cling to them more than the crazier games is because of the current state of drama dogma in the U.S. If this was the 60s or 70s, I guarantee you more people would prefer this kind of game over the darker and more serious games.
swyg's comments